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The Renee Clinic of Vdalion!
[Image: 54ee938696dac259f3c2c4eafd26fc82.png]
Location: Vdalion Apartment Building
Coords: 935,702,1

Over the months one of Vdalion's own had been spreading her name and professions. Encouraging others to come to her with any and all of their medical or alchemy needs. She is happy to announce the grand opening of the Renee Clinic! Located in Vdalion's apartment building. The first floor's middle door will lead you to it! All are welcome that are in need of medical or alchemy needs.


A list of obligations while a patient or guest of the Renee clinic!
                                                               1. Please be respectful of the work space. NO FIGHTING!
                                                               2. Please be respectful of the patient.
                                                               3. Please be respectful of the healers.
                                                               4. Payment is absolutely NOT required. Donations are acceptable if desired.
                                                               5. Alchemy will be free should you provide the ingredients. 


The young woman wished to share some words with the people of Vdalion and any who may share their ear with her. 
"Hello everyone! My name is Mia Emara Renee. One of Vdalion's healers and alchemists! Please come and see me with any and all of your medical or alchemy needs. If you are looking to study either healing and or alchemy we can certainly arrange that as well! If you are already a studied healer or alchemist and looking for a place to provide your work then come see me all the same! I look forward to seeing you all and being your number one choice in medical and alchemy needs! Remember, everyone is welcome!"
An announcement from Vdalion's clinic is posted in multiple spots around Vdalion!
They read:

Children of Ymir, word travels. I listen and bring to you a list of ingredients for various mixes you may find yourself having a need. Read them and then seek them. Bring them to me and I will provide to you what I can. If they come of my personal stock a small fee is expected. There are more mixes than what are listed. These are what I feel will be the most requested. If you are interested you need only ask.

For the mixes that enhance an individuals abilities you need the following per single mix. 100 Coin per booster if of my own stock.
Strength - One Poppylus, Two Fire Crystals and Ten Fireflies.
Endurance - One Poppylus, One Earth Crystal and Five Scales.
Reflexes - One Poppylus, One Air Crystal and Five Rabbit Feet.
Mana Endurance - One Poppylus, One Water Crystal and One shard of Amber.

Mixes of greater purpose. These include various effects. Some are admittedly untested. Results, Effects and Price may vary.
Mana Amnesia - Five Fire Crystals, Two Soothing Reed, Five Glowing Mushrooms and Three Ky'iah. 850 coin if of my own stock.
Blackout - One Lightning Crystal, One Azilaena, Three Poppylus and Five Ky'iah. 700 coin if of my own stock.
Mix of Fortune - One Azilaena andThree Four Leaf Clovers. 200 coin if of my own stock.
Lodestone - Three shards of Amber, Three Earth Crystals and One vial of Sludge. 300 if of my own stock.
Adrenaline Shot - Three Sinka, One Saniskriti, Three vials of Sludge and Two Fire Crystals. 500 coin if of my own stock.
Levitation Potion - Ten Fireflies and Three Sugarcap Mushrooms. 100 coin if of my own stock.

There will be updates posted again once I feel I have fully mastered the mixes. Approach me should you have any questions or requests. 
A new set of postings from the Renee Clinic are seen going up around the land of Vdalion!
Quote:Children of Ymir, as promised I bring to you another list of important mixes and the ingredients required to make them. These potions yield far greater effects than the ones previously listed.

Rebirth Potion - 10 fire crystals, 6 Azilaena, 6 Saniskriti, 3 Fairy Powder and 5 Herdaia.
Elixir of Healing - 5 water cyrstals, 5 earth crystals, 3 ambers, 1 crimson Reed and 3 Perdegrine.
Escape Bomb - 2 fire crystals, 2 water crystals, 2 earth crystals and 1 rope root.
Replenishment - 3 Cobalthine, 3 water crystals, 3 earth crystals, 3 lightning crystals, 1 Perdegrine.

The next several potions are said to enhances a persons magical output in a particular state. In other words, strengthening the consumers use of X-Magic. They are attunement potions.

Fire- 5 Poppylus, 10 Fire Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.
Earth- 5 Poppylus, 10 Earth Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.
Air- 5 Poppylus, 10 Air Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.
Water- 5 Poppylus, 10 Water Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.
Metaphysical- 5 Poppylus, 5 Air Crystals, 5 Lightning Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.
Ether- 5 Poppylus, 5 Fire Crystals, 5 Lightning Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.
Bio- 5 Poppylus, 5 Earth Crystals, 5 Water Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.
Physical- 5 Poppylus, 5 Earth Crystals, 5 Air Crystals, 1 Fairy Powder.

There are more mixes that I can brew, however, they remain untested. I do know their recipes, you need only ask. Be aware of what you drink, you do so at your own risk. When the time comes another posting will be made with more mixes and their required ingredients. Be well and Ymir's blessing upon us all.
[Image: 4f254714def4f51fa36785cbc1762984.png]
Location: (824.705.1)

News spreads throughout the North. Through the villages, hamlets and of course the heart of Vdalion itself! The grand opening of The House of Healing is official!
Formerly known as the Renee Clinic of Vdalion, the House of Healing is a dedicated building just inside of Vdalion's Main Gates. The location provides more room for patients. As well as the guests of patients. A comfortable sitting area has been arranged. While separate examination rooms have been set up as well.
With the new opening of Vdalion's House of Healing those wishing to learn how to heal and brew potions are encouraged to find us. We will provide training in both practical and magical healing. As well as hands on alchemy training.

As before there are suggestions to follow when a guest or patient of Vdalion's House of Healing.
                             1. Please be respectful of the work space. NO FIGHTING!
               2. Please be respectful of the patient.
               3. Please be respectful of the healers.
               4. Payment is absolutely NOT required. Donations are acceptable if desired.
               5. Alchemy will require a small fee. The fee is subject to change depending on the brew.
               6. If the need of a surgical kit is required. A small fee to replace the use of the kit will be expected.
               7. If you are unruly or unlawful you will be asked to leave, or you will be removed.

Further news includes positions available within Vdalion's House of Healing.

Quote:Grand Seidr
Mia Renee, Folhammar.

Second Seidr
Wynnflaed, Folhammar.

Third Seidr

Medical Aids

We are taking up to three students to learn in Vdalion's House of Healing. You are encouraged to seek out Grand Seidr Renee, Second Seidr Wynnflaed either in person or via written word. 

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