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To All - Kallis Auction
"After continent wide catastrophe, warfare, and tragedy... there is one thing we can all at least look forward to eventually on the horizon.
An economic boom." -Darius Kallis

[Image: Copy_of_Vintage_Art_Deco_Bibliotheque_St...idesgo.png]

Once again does house Kallis attempt to bring Meranthe together through festivity.

House Kallis opens its doors to visitors once again, sometime in the near future for a masquerade auction the world is surely needing at the moment. Those who've been accumulating their wealth out of fear have finally found the opportunity for it to pay off. Those that have acquired rarities be it by creating them or venturing for them also have the chance to not only finally sell, but sell high for a profit otherwise unobtainable. 

The auction proper is likely to be held sometime within the year 2006. More updates will be posted as the date approaches, including a set hour and location.

If you possess a rare item you wish to sell, write a letter to Darius Kallis. If your item is sold at the auction, 20% of the cost goes to Darius, while you keep 80% of the profit. Given how high these auctions typically go, you're likely to win big on whatever rarity you've gathered.

We'll leave you with a basic example, one given by Aphros' friendly Umbra Knight Gilgamesh. An Oni's Jaw that is sure to attract any pyromancer's attention. More and more items will be bought and made for this auction, especially intriguing ones will be posted here in increasing rarity as the date approaches.

[Image: Oni_Jaw.png]
What's a good Kallis-sponsored event without a good performance?

Fliers are handed both by the servants of the House Kallis. To draw attention to the auction itself, and other entertainment, namely... Music!

"We were plunged into the darkness for so long, that we almost forgot to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and now that we have the chance to bask in the light... Let's take it... Come everyone, tune in and let yourself loose. Come and set yourself free from the Darkness we struggled in for so long..."

"Listen to the Symphony of Life, and let the worries of past become nothing short of a memory. And bask in the moment of the Light, a Cycle going it's full course."

- Tobias Sombra, Butler of House Kallis.

A butler, who have performed back at the ball, is going to perform again at the auction. This time with a small ensemble of both non-magi and magi alike that have been studying under him.

[Image: Frenkel-5-95x60.jpg]
[Image: CoinSmall.png]
[Image: House_Kallis_small.png]
Auction Update!
We thought it best to provide an early auction update just so everyone is fully aware we don't just have the one item for sale. House Kallis is already hard at work producing more to be auctioned, we're not going to cease until we have thing everyone can make use of! For now, we'd like to present the Briar Crossguard, a piece by Darius Kallis and Tobias Sombra. With so many shadow users around? This would definitely keep you safe.

[Image: unknown.png]

Given the two items listed so far have been weapon implements, if one bidder manages to buy them both? We'll throw in free assistance- or a complete commission should you decide to combine them both to create a wholly unique weapon!

No official date and time yet, but we are still accepting items you wish to auction off. Remember, you receive 80% of the sale profits! Write to Darius Kallis if you're interested.
"Please actually don't buy this, I want it for myself" -Darius Kallis
It would seem our Kallis Resource operatives have been hard at work, one of the items up for auction has been upgraded!

[Image: unknown.png]

And what an upgrade it is!

If you want to get your hands on an item such as this, Kallis quality never before seen, you need only beat the high auction bidding!

Remember, if you have any rarities you would like sold? You're best contacting Darius Kallis to have them auctioned, you would receive 80% of the bid... and with items like these? It's sure to attract the wealthiest of the wealthy.
Likely the last of our updates before the auction date is announced! Lord Darius Kallis is to go on an expedition soon, and is awaiting for one of his latest grand projects to settle before the announcement. We'll inform you of the added material along with the date and time soon!

For now, we'd like to show you this.

[Image: unknown.png]

Aegsil, a rather high quality material for your own artifice projects- perhaps even something to study for explorations into the ethereal and spectral.

This piece was donated by Vycera, and I'm certain you will all be pleased to know that profits from the sale will go to the shared philanthropic endeavor of supporting Delphinian refugees. The money earned from the sale will go to building up Suli'mara, a settlement of displaced Faeborne and Delphinians that has recently been developing.

So no matter how high you bid, know that your coin goes to a good cause, and you receive quite the good item!

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