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A Healer's Expedition
"It is underwater, deep within the ocean that surrounds the base floor. You must swim, and you must swim. You will swim until it is dark, then you will see a shining light to the left. Do not follow it. Go the opposite direction, into the darkness. Eventually you'll escape the water and enter an open space."
[Image: 1*fmmF9LymBuB7uKXVYlshHQ.jpeg]
Such words were well absorbed, encraved deeply at the thought of the curious. And this sorcerer was no different. His body ached, filled by the agony of a sunk chest, inscribed by occult runes that could never fade away. Even the perceptions of sound had been recently reaped from his form. With the aid of strong companions, doctors, alchemists, a new expedition approaches. One however that does not seek to hoard treasures, to kill monstrosities, but merely to research the unknown in hopes of a miracle. To make sense of the fauna and flora that may inhabit such curious halls and mystical paths of the great Tower.

Before arriving within their destination however a mystical whirpool surges, sucking out the boat to the depths of the sea, preventing them from reaching the proper path.

With certain death in thought, the group manages to survive, but they find themselves in open sky. Or so it is thought.  A cave so huge that its own heights and mists forms a new shroud.

There are voices, sounds they can not understand.

They quickly come to realize they are not alone.

Could the broken survive or only leave these grounds even more torn?

Attendees: 4-6
Risk: High.
Theme: Mystical Cave/Undewater/Tentacles/lovecraftian horror
Rewards: Aetherblossom/Medicine
DM: Searching
If a DM gets interested: [Daniel]#0379
Arioch will be dragged along, bring your best.
[Image: sRw0SQI.png][Image: noaccident.png]
Underwater exploration and lovecraftian stuff?
Well, you all have a DM for this.
[Image: image.png]

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