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Holy Purpose
Lord, protect me from evil. Lord, protect me from greed. Lord, have mercy upon thine enemies.
[Image: unknown.png]
For they do not know the gravity of that which they do.

Quote:A grave mistake has been made. Not by me; Not by Emris, who declined the crown, its rightful owner by the trial determined from the previous Oracle.

A man who does not wish for it; Much the same as I. Both, who face the crown as a necessary burden, not a boon for power.

But by He who betrays. He, who covets nothing but power. He, who stood before me, and criticized that I would sacrifice him over the city. He, who admits only to incompetence in keeping his plots covert, pleading ignorance when they surface.

He, who believes himself worth the life of every person upon this continent. He, who refuses to acknowledge his deeds with honesty. He, who claimed that his difference to Darius Kallis was the best interest of Aphros, thirst for power all but secondary. He, who believes himself above the purpose of Athelios.

He, who has the gall to ask for Vdalion to not interfere, for it is an internal affair - During an announcement made by the government of Delphina.

Fear not the heretic; Fear not the traitor; Fear not the dishonored.
They no longer inhabit our city, following in the traitor's path, sullying another.

All those who walked away out of fear for their lives, know that mine own stands before you. Know that the Church and the Bastion will stand to weather whatever may come to your path. Know that the vessel Vaelrun's Crusade is righteous, and with my support, it shall smite all that is nefarious from within these lands.

If you wish to return- If you wish to make your concerns voiced- If you wish to denounce one who seeks naught but feed his greed.
I am available for all voices that need to find an ear to land upon. For all confessions that wish to begin the arduous path to repentance.
Know that you are welcome within the walls of this city.

To reaffirm their holy purpose, the Oracle speaks of affirmative actions that are to be taken against all that is unholy as well.

A necromancer's life is soon to be taken, for their blood shall cleanse the land of sin.


[Image: bb9baa221a853b3881f557d5cccfe918.png]
And now a message from our sponsors, hidden in the shadow, walking in the light.

Unhinged Monk Wrote:
Children, let us not squabble.
Let us not forget our divine purpose.

Our fair city, blessed in its turmoil, seeks to answer the question put forth by our lord.

When do we forsake the soul, when do we cast it aside for its summary judgment by our lord, Athelios?

One we must grapple with and grasp at, to understand the condition of man and monster. What spurs us forward as a people and what drives us all to act. But from a question can we also derive others and gift answers to them that might feed the first. When is it enough, when do we finally strike back? When do we reclaim our lands and sanctity from those that lurk in the shadows, seeking to pervert our glorious cause?
Spite not the name of Solomon, for it is clear he has been killed.
What came back was never him, but one of the deadly, murderous Insectoids in his skin.
Long has he been fed to their profane rites, butchered and feasted upon by the locusts of the deadly, murderous Insectoid Queen and her slavering, mindless, puppeted Faeborne slaves. It is all a front that we must confront and destroy.
One that we can only remove with our steel and hearts. Ten thousand eyes watching, glimmering in the darkness where the unseen move and plot. We must stand strong against the vile machinations of the Greathive and their desire to do us wrong.
Wood-brain, antenna faeborne, operating under their dark masters moves. Even now, they host a 'prisoner' in their 'fair' city. A nethradin worshipping witch cultist of the Coven of the Tower, one they will seek to use to further pervert our glorious cause. Each one a slave to darkness, slobbering and drooling at the thought of another soul to their dread books, where they can steal the vital essence. Curious how they only attacked the forces of Aphros, that day on the mines. Curious how they seemed so focused on our fair, goodly folk while ignoring the other threats.

Curious how the Necromancers only attack the goodly, fair and righteous folk of Aphros. Yet only Delphina remains free from these plagues, benefitting from what is put forth. Now these 'Nephilim' seek to aid the murderous, deadly Insectoid Queen and her wood-brained slaves? The great, dark evil of the land sits there, nestled among their poisonous, psychedelic mushrooms, where they stab and plot at us all.

Rise up.
Strike against the foul evils that try to undo our righteous lands.

Lest they turn your children into slaves of the murderous, deadly Insectoid Queen. Food for their disgusting hives, their souls to be damned by the taint of the witch cultists.
Come, you faithful, and kill them all.

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