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Conspiracy Theories
[Image: NEgBRhF.png]
"Probably the Tower in 2012"

“Hear ye, hear ye, attend to all! The end of times is upon us! A prophecy most foul, the dreaded year of 2012! As was foretold by an ancient civilization once dwelling deep within the tower, the reappearance of the great ay-poe-ka-lypso, the nightmarish 124! Take flight from these lands, else face the fury of destruction incarnate once more! Howe’er, o’ ye of little strength, ye who believes there is no hope! With my new wares, the apocalypse kit, your family and friends can rest easy knowing preparation has been put in place! Now, fer a piddling three thousand coins…”

Kafka approached the peddler while he was closing up shop, the man having already sold everything in his inventory.

“Huh? Beat it kid, I’m all sold ou- Woah, hey, now now, no need to be rash- ow! Wait-!“


“Yes milady, I swear on my pride as a merchant that the prophecy itself is true, I overheard it from an adventurer in a nearby pub a few days ago... Yes, they’d said they saw it in an ancient ruin inside of the tower, but I couldn’t make out what floor it was. I-I’m sorry, that’s all I know! No, no! For milady, I’m more than happy to share this information so please stop hitting me.

Kafka nodded happily, leaving the scammer to his business. There were more important things to do now. Adventure awaits!

Character: Kafka
Attendees: to be invited icly
Risk: Anything is fine
Theme: Climbing the Tower, Prophecy, Conspiracies, a legendary shovel maybe.
Rewards: Something to help with making one of those doomsday-prepper shovels, rare ores too
DM: Please send help

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