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The Pruning of Bloodied Thorns
[Image: 8ekdqKt.png]

Delphinian workers of common upbringing have been enlisted to a message delivered. Firstly it is delivered orally, as to save on paper, to any whom may have residence within Dal'thala or Elmyra. Secondly it finds itself delivered to the wilds; trees scattered amongst the Centerlands and surrounding regions find themselves interspersed in locations with pinned letters, all of which have been circled in vibrant paint of a prismatic rainbow shimmer as to draw attention to them.

The notice reads as such:

Effective immediately, Caliel Al'britu has been exiled from Delphina and his House labeled as Oathbreakers for the following offenses against Delphina, her people, and Meranthe at large:

High Treason
Collusion With Witches

Similarly... Aeralise Caewynn, Axis Al'britu, Rau Al'britu, Quinton, and all others whom continue to pledge loyalty to Caliel Al'britu have been exiled from Delphina, yet for High Treason alone, lest evidence be brought forth of their own involvement in witchcraft, of which there is presently none. This list of names specifically may return to Delphina and face a fair trial held by the Queen and each Head of Noble House to see their name cleared and their exile undone, given the nature of Caliel's deceit.

To those who may have been persuaded by the words of the Al'britu deceiver, one who sowed the seeds for civil strife in quiet while never bringing his concerns up to anyone whom could do something about it, it must be made explicitly clear for once and for all, as publicly available as humanly possible:

The Greathive are under complete control of the reigning Monarch of Delphina, as per the blood pact which saw them summoned. They were brought forth before my reign to protect our people from those who seek to blame us for 124, and they valiantly proved their worth in the defense of Delphina against insurrection today.

Each concern regarding their behavior which has been brought up to me has been offered a solution, both internally and externally. Internally, their behavior—as well as the unneeded instigation and exacerbation of the situation by the now exiled Aeralise Caewynn—has been corrected whence brought up with the Crown. The former Lord Caliel declined to bring up any issues himself, instead trying to woo those around him with saccharine words and instigate a failed and limp revolt, one which was instantly squashed out; do not trust the powerseeker, do not give in to the false words of the deceiver, do not allow the one who colludes with witches to dilute your senses with poisoned manipulations.

Externally, nonaggression pacts to prevent the Greathive from attacking those of Aphros have been declined by the reigning Oracle. Should they change their minds on this matter, they need only write, though to ask Delphina to surrender its only line of defense—a line of defense we can simply control and force into nonaggression now that a Monarch has been instated—is folly when tensions are so high. Negotiate with reason and empathy.

Any within Delphina whom aid Caliel Al'britu are subject to being labeled with the same crime of High Treason as he is. His sloppily planned and poorly executed failure of a coup, his inability to act with a strategic and tactical mind throughout his tenure of House of Head, and his consistent acting as a rogue against who went against the wills of the other Houses and instead went out of his way to turn others against Delphina with lies and half-truths have shown he is no leader you should follow.

He has lost. Do not join him in defeat.

Walk safely.
Kitchi Foisantte,
Queen of Delphina

Adorned to the bottom of each notice is a a carbon copy of shorthand notes taken from a meeting of the Noble Heads, dated to the year before coronation. A last comment on the character of the man who sought to usurp her throne, though perhaps a touch too spitefully added to be considered within good tastes, reads,

Cordial agreement to build 2nd watchtower at crossroads. Full support from 3/4ths majority of Heads of Houses: Lady Kitchi (myself), Lady Elanil, Lord Caliel in favor. Elodie unable to attend. Contributions are... Kitchi, 11,000 coins; Elanil, 10,000 coins; Caliel, 4,000 coins. Poor financial skills noted; seems to siphon constantly from his followers, yet always be broke.
[Image: watchers.png]
Not once, nor twice, but thrice.
Three times in one night do assailants seek the Queen.
Three times in one night do they fail.
One must be careful treading the forest paths — there are watchers behind every elm.

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