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The Three Missives of House Montelione
From House Montelione of Aphros, a series of missives have been released. Placed around the city at the behest of Doctor Mephisto Montelione, and even along the path leading out of the city, there seems to be a few opportunities offered by the House of the Gryphon. 

A missive regarding The Hive
With the threat of the Hive continuing to grow outside our borders, House Montelione desires to know more about these creatures in hopes to better aid those fighting against this festering threat. As such, Lady Mephisto Montelione has placed a series of bounties on the creatures of the hive themselves. Those that can deliver to her various parts of these beings will be paid handsomely as follows. 

Blood/Venom - 500c per vial
Arms/Legs - 1,500c Per Limb
Head - 2,500c Per Head
Full Carcass (Deceased) - 5,000c Per Body
Miscellaneous Parts (Eyes/Fingers/Antennae) - 250c-400c per [Depending on size and quality]
(Payments by other means can be arranged on a per person basis. Coin payment may not be immediate, but will be fulfilled within 1-2 days of delivery guaranteed)

A missive regarding the 'Doctors Coalition'
Those practitioners of medicine and the alchemical arts within Aphros or those lands which our great city is on good terms with are encouraged to approach Doctor Mephisto Montelione. With Meranthe growing more dangerous and full of sickness as the days go by, there is a need for those with the knowledge and ability to use such things to help those around them. As such, the renowned medical professionals of House Montelione desire to organize all those who practice to better help the people themselves as well as to better protect and ready themselves for whatever may come. 

This proposed Doctors Coalition will seek to set a standard price for medical treatments within Aphros' domain so that both doctors and patients do not have to break the bank to both give and seek aid respectively. As well as to congregate those likeminded individuals who desire to help but may not have the resources or renown to do so. Should enough interest be shown there will be a list of names released of those doctors certified by the Coalition, those that everyone can trust not to swindle or further harm them through treatment when it is in most dire need. 


A missive regarding medical lessons. 

To those within Aphros, or lands which do not stand against balance and order. House Montelione under their current head, Doctor Mephisto Montelione is offering medical training to those outside of their prestigious patronage system. While those taught will not have all the same rights as those the House is patron of, they will be taught all the basic and advanced techniques to deal with the most common of injuries that face Meranthe today.  A simple request of 75c per lesson is desired to prove that those attending are serious of their commitment is all that one needs to receive such guidance, apart from being able to step foot into the heart of Aphros as well. 

Those interested are encouraged to send a letter to Doctor Mephisto Montelione, in person meetings are available but letters are preferred and encouraged while setting up such lessons.
[Image: Pendant.png]

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