Rumor has it a great white whale has been spotted not too far off the coast of Meranthe. Not just any whale, the very same one that’s been plaguing the dreams of the young fisherman for years. Taunting him at every corner. Saying rude things like "you'll never catch me" "you suck" and "you call yourself a fisherman?"
He’d had enough of it.
His brother constantly compared him to the ancient giant fishermen of old, now? Now would be his chance to prove his glorious sibling right.
It was time to put an end to the beast.
“Let’s go kill a whale.”
Character: Charon
Attendees: Friends of Charon (fishing enthusiasts)
Risk: Whatever it takes to kill this whale.
Theme: Moby Dick. Fishing. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Bass Pro Shop.
Rewards: Fishing stuff.
DM: Looking.
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857934965127381015/858137365516517396/unknown.png)