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Aegnor - Champion of Misfortune
After a particularly public incident, a primordial grieved within the sixth realm of the tower. The time for mourning would come to an end, and now it is revenge.

Mad with the smouldering grief, Misfortune laughed loud in a cackle, alone in his chambers,

"So you think yourself a great warrior, Vaelrun Emris...? Let's see how you fare against my new Champion."

Some days later, a behemoth of a swordsman can be seen lurking on trade routes that link the City of Aphros, attacking any and all indiscriminately. He is immediately labelled as a B-Level threat by local authorities, needing strong magi to deal with him.

( OOC: This is not an EC! It's a character that began as a PC like everyone else, and has received no benefits. Expect danger+ minimum if you're an established military combatant, and don't be afraid to ask for a cap roll.)

[Image: GtqSwMT.png]
[ A bounty of 20,000c has been placed on the head of Aegnor, after he comfortably defeated a trio of magi soldiers of the Umbral and Astral legion. He is wanted alive by the local authorities of Aphros. ] 

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