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Messenger of Love: The Offering
[Image: unknown.png]
"Did you hear? There's a young girl walking around announcing herself as a 'Messenger of Love'."

"What for? Is she some Love Guru? Some dating service? As a young girl, don't you think that's sketchy?"

"I don't think of it like that- gross! She kept saying something about how she wants to make sure everyone in the world remembers they're loved."

"What use is that? How does she do it?"

"Well, apparently she grants wishes to those that she thinks need to feel loved, or something like so. What a strange kid."

"Hmm... Are we sure she's not some psychotic child?"

"I don't know, but I do know... she has the weirdest looking eyes."


It's said that a young girl known as Intima has been seen wandering around the lands, offering her assistance to those that feel unloved or unneeded. She offers a shoulder and an ear to those who feel despair, and speaks of how she is there for them. How someone out there loves them.

Her Antics are seen as either eccentric or just straight up silly, however the girl appears to make good on her words- trying her best to help any and every person that comes to her with the need for assistance. She refuses pay, only saying that A smile is enough.

The rumor goes that she is descended from a God of Love, but who could it be, and is it just a rumor?

She asks any and all that need it to come find her. It's easiest to find her around Aphros or Vdalion's borders, some say.
Due to recent events, she has moved to settle near the Tower of Aetius itself!
[Image: unknown.png]

"I heard something weird the other day, about that Intima girl..."

"What do you mean, what'd you hear?"

"There's people going around, saying that they've seen her perform miracles. You know that tower? The uh, The Tower- Aetius!"

"Hm? Yeah, what about it? Only the daring go there..."

"There's brave souls who have been drawn there by her voice, my best friend even tried to... They met her, the 'Real' Intima. Apparently, she's not just a descendant of a God of Love..."

"...? What is she, then?"

"She Is a God of Love! If you visit her realm, surely something good must happen, right?"

"I'm skeptical. Why would she be hiding her real abilities?"

"I'm not sure... I wish I got the full story."

"Why not go visit?"

"I'm scared, her Uncle is apparently still at large."


As time has gone on, years even, the Tower of Aetius remains standing. However, as of late, a sweet scent of honey and floral notes wafts through the countries from one of its realms. Upon its winds, carries the softest of whispers. A song in which bids the listener to come visit.

Those that were daring enough to follow the voice speak of a young woman with unique eyes, pupils like flower blossoms. They speak of how she requests others who follow their heart to come find her. She's even pledged to do her best to protect those that come to visit her from those that might harm them, so long as they are not there to do harm themselves.

Those who would be at war musn't be in her realm, for there should be nothing but Love in her lands. Her blessings are offered to those that put the Heart first and foremost, though it's unknown just how far her powers reach.

So then, should you come visit her? Well... Isn't that up to you?
[Image: unknown.png]

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