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Basic Guide (wip)
This topic touches on the frequently asked questions and the basics of Meranthe. It's very plain and minimal right now but we'll work on a more professional, detailed guide once time affords.

Start by completing the in-game tutorial, the NPC near each spawn with the "Tutorial" tag (interact with X or by clicking). This NPC will teach you how to purchase an item, sell an item, craft a torch, defeat a monster, and battle a player.

Basic Controls
WASD / Arrow Keys = Movement
X = Interact (Use this to chop down trees, pick up items, interact with NPCs and objects, collect ore, etc)
R = Toggle Run
To change the channel, click the button (OOC, Say, Guild, etc)

[Image: 6QDXCQX.png]
From left to right...

1.) Stats - When you gain levels, you can increase your stats. If you're new, make sure your vitality and power are at their cap. You can respec your stats with your a Blackout Potion.
2.) Guild - This lets you found your own guild for 5000c. It also displays guilds you're a member of. 
3.) Party - Click this while targeting another player to invite them to a party. Target players with left-click.

Giant crystal in the middle: This is your Energy. It depletes as you perform certain key actions (harvesting, healing, class actions, crafting, etc). You can view how much is remaining on left-click.

4.) Spells - In this menu you'll find all public abilities. You shouldn't invest in more than one or two magic trees to begin with. Keep in mind that after around a month or so playing you'll have 200 spell points, and this can go as high as 220 over time. You can refund a spell with the potion Mana Amnesia at any level, and you can completely respec your spells with the potion Rebirth at Level 200 or lower.
5.) Inventory - Left-click an item to equip or use it, right-click to view the full description. To drop it, drag it out of your inventory. Helpful tip: When asked "How many do you want to drop?" you can maximize or minimize the quantity with ctrl + right-click.

To the right of your inventory you'll also see the crafting menu: Artificer/blacksmith, Alchemist/potions, General, and Construction. The first two cost spell points (10 each for all five tiers). General is free crafting (camp fires, boats, cooking recipes, etc). Construction is for building and decorating.

6.) Options - This stores important settings. Most are self-explanatory, but some that you should definitely know are...

- 2x Zoom: Zooms out or in. The game begins zoomed.
- Download Logs: Downloads the entirety of your logs in a zip folder.

- Challenge: While targeting another player, lets you challenge them to battle. If a battle is already active, you can choose to invite another player as an ally or enemy. 
- Roleplay Logs: Displays your in-character logs for your viewing.
- Open Ticket: This is a help request towards moderators. Tickets are also active while you're offline, and archived once closed.

You'll also find numerous prefix commands in the ticket tab, the small blue crystal. You can skip to it by typing /help. For example, you can change your character's default dialogue color with /quotecolor, view which characters are online with /who, or send a long-distance in-character message with /message.

How do I level up? 

Each time you use Say or RP, you gain EXP, otherwise known as Activity Points. You also gain 200 EXP every day you log in, which is easily worth an hour or more of time. Defeating monsters and completing quests and dungeons also grants EXP. 

How do I complete quests and dungeons?
Dungeon keys can be obtained by purchasing a Mystery Box from the merchant for in-game coin, which grants a randomized item. If you're lucky, you might get a dungeon key. There are currently four dungeons, one extreme level, one hard, and two normal. You need a party of at least 3 to attempt a dungeon. 

Dungeons are where the rarest resource nodes spawn, such as Eternite, Aertherblsosom, and Prisminthium. There's around a dozen highly sought after materials that can only be acquired in a dungeon.

Quest NPCs can be found across the map and completed daily, granting a small amount of EXP and coin.

If my character is killed, what do I do?
Meranthe is a perma-death game, but your character can only be killed by other player-controlled characters, or on a high stakes event hosted by a Dungeon Master. It's a natural part of the climate and death is common. When new, you should
How do I unlock the other races? Is there a list of races?
How do I unlock abilities that aren't public?
How do I craft?
Important Links
This has since been replaced by which is fairly thorough but worked on routinely.


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