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Strange Events on Quarry.
Quote:"I could swear i saw the grodon doing a flying tackle?, standing in two feet and punching each others???"
"The heck happened, why their carapace are so much stronger, feels like impossible break it!"
"how the hell they learned teamwork...? i went take a ore and one spotted me, then called his pack, while i was trying take the ore,  one  was just bumping me to not get the ore, while the others were blocking the direction with mud and spores..."

[Image: unknown.png]
And countless other reports about notable differences on the monsters that live on quarry, not to mention the sounds of battle heard from quarry every single day. in less than one year, a few more reports would say about a figure using glasses, attacking each grodon in that area, countless times, every single day for months, letting some live, and killing others, whatever is his reasons for do that, ended up with consequences, now not only their shell is tougher but are fighting in two feet and even doing some simple unarmed attacks, local workers belive his influence in a constant period of time, added the fact he did not kill every grodon resulted in adaptations on each new generation of grodons born.
A figure stares the new specimens with a open smile on his face.
[Image: unknown.png]
Quote:"Well, what to say, im flattered that nature itself is raising the level to follow my intense trainings routines to offer me new horizons."
"It went just like planned, and i dont plan stop now."

sounds of intense battles can be heard almost for days, the monk fighting with the new odd grodons, if they will survive or he will wipe all the new ones, only time will tell.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]

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