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A Festival of Natasa!
[Image: G7vdonu.jpg]
[Image: k8kqhit.jpg]

With the victory over the Demons and Promethia, the High-Lady sends out fliers to Osrona, Fort Hermitage, New Moxtli as well as other smaller known areas. Exluding Promethia if it was not obvious at this point. She is now announcing a celebration of the Festival of Natasa! A long wait and planning prior finally has come out. With that said, the High-Lady would like to announce any person coming from those known factions are allowed as well as their allies and friends alike.

As tradition states, this will be a 2v2 Tournament, each group of two can enter and partner with any of the aformentioned factions and allies. Following this? Are rewards to be gained by those proving themselves worthy on the field of combat.

Now, this will be mentioned as a warning.

Quote:"Should I find anyone of Promethia or allied within the Festival's proceedings? I will personally single you or whomever else out and cut you down myself. Point, blank, period. Let this serve a direct statement from myself. I do not have any form of tolerance for Promethian's save a few whom are there not of their own choice and don't participate in known Demon antics. So... if you think you have what it takes to test this? By all means come and try to participate. I dare you. You won't like the outcome."

-High Lady, Bastina V. Dayndros

First Place - x1 Arcanium and Star Seeker (Desc) and 25,000c

Second Place - x1 Harpy Feather (Desc) and 10,000c

Third Place - x1 Slither Fang (Desc) and 5,000c

Now with all this openly stated, the Festival will have other smaller things going on depending on who wishes to add in their ideas or acts. This can be discussed by contacting the High-Lady herself through a lettter. The event is meant to be fun for all participants and those simply observing.
(If not by letter contact my discord to set something up VibeEntertainment#3428.)

To add something more relaxing to the event. Maybe something on the nearby beach can be done as well for people to relax and enjoy some fun in the water and sands alike. Pretty sure we all need it afterall, so much that has occured I feel it's only right. Plus, I'd like to wear a swimsuit anyway.

Date: TBA, will be around 6PM EST once a date is found.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Due to recent changes... the Date is now,
Friday 7/8     6PM EST

This has been chosen as the decided date for the Festival of Natasa, if a multitude of people however cannot make this but wish to? Please DM me via discord so I can see if changing it would be best.

VibeEntertainment#3428[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
First Place - x1 Arcanium and Star Seeker (Desc) and 25,000c

Second Place - x1 Harpy Feather (Desc) and 10,000c

Third Place - x1 Slither Fang (Desc) and 5,000c

A change in rewards has been made from the previous ones with additions.

First place additions with include x2 more Arcanium making it a total of x3. Along with a surprise dev item.

Second place will include x1 Arcanium along with a surprise dev item.

Third place will include another surprise dev item.

=====================================================[Image: SwES7N6.gif]

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