07-04-2022, 06:31 AM
This topic serves the purpose of a guide and reference for new staff members as well as to provide some insight to players on how things work behind the scenes.
Core Policy
➤ Follow The Rules. You are held to the highest standard.
➤ Avoid arguing with players, even if being instigated. Deescalate and maintain a pleasant community atmosphere.
➤ Keep what you learn via OOC private, if it's sensitive information. Arguably the biggest difference between an admin and a player is how much more they see; this needs to be handled responsibly!
➤ While each person has their own 'style' of moderating, when interacting avoid being condescending. People respond better to a positive enforcer.
Staff Roles
Head Admin: Long-term staff members with entrusted authority to act as the final say and assist the rest of the team as needed. They develop policy and help to lead the staff. This is a Council of Three (Avajain, Chance, and Ludster). Head admins are also the only staff members with complete log access (player & staff actions).
Moderator: Making up the bulk of the team, a moderator assists in all manner of running the game, from organizing the hosting of PvP events to dealing with ticket help requests in a timely manner.
Dungeon Master: While it is not uncommon for staff members to host events, something unique to Eternia is our volunteer Dungeon Master system where any player of the game may take the role of DM and host an event for others. These powers are granted temporarily for the scheduled event after a swift and easy review process.
On Ghost & Player Logs
The ghost command is how staff quickly get around (as well as teleport), but it is against our policy to watch any scene outside of a public space. It's important for us to be respectful of player privacy in that sense to avoid subconscious meta, which is why head admins are the only staff with log access.
Ticket Etiquette
The ticket system is how staff are made aware of an issue when a player makes a help request. It archives all tickets for us in case we need to reference a situation. You can use the /leaderboard command to view who the current leading helpers are!
Variable Editor
The variable editor (otherwise known as debug) is a powerful tool that lets a staff member modify almost anything in the game, and should be used with caution. Ctrl + right-click on an object will open this menu.
Gear Slots - If you want to change an item's gear slot, the corresponding number is the slot
Editing Properties
House: ctrl right click the front door > look for 'Parent' and click the numbered hyperlink on it > Click the 'Owner Ckey' and change to the new one (all lowercase)
Stall: ctrl right click the stall > look for 'Stall' and click the numbered hyperlink on it > Click the 'Owner Ckey' and change to the new one (all lowercase)
Rewarding DMs
Following the successful completion of an event, a DM can request an Activity Point bonus to one of their characters. Note: they cannot grant this to a character they do not personally play.
Ctrl + right click the character. Search for 'activity_points' and add 500 for a small event, 1000 for a standard event, or 1500 for a large-scale event.
On Custom Sprites
As players have the ability to add new sprites to the world, whether it's a custom prop or an item, it is important that the staff ensures there is no copyright infringement (only original or public licenced art) as well as a high standard that meets the game's style.
➤Must be an original sprite. Recolors of existing sprites are fine.
➤Must be of a decent standard quality wise.
➤Sprites that imitate magic effects or spells, such as an aura, are not permitted. You are free to submit your sprite for review to be added as a spell to the game, however.
If you believe a player is not in accordance with the above, then you can send them a Private Message and remove the sprite from the item. Make sure to bring it up in staff chat first however as this is a subjective area.
Misc / Notes
➤ If someone DMs you asking you to handle an in-game matter without making a ticket, tell them that they'll need to make a ticket in-game. This is so that everything that gets handled by a staff member stays logged.
➤ Most things can be done using the edit command! Make sure to familiarize yourself with what it can do in relation to various objects being modified (players and items have different menus, for example.)
➤ Do not use Reward RPP when returning people's spent roleplay points for refunds, instead use Spend RPP and write - before the number.
Core Policy
➤ Follow The Rules. You are held to the highest standard.
➤ Avoid arguing with players, even if being instigated. Deescalate and maintain a pleasant community atmosphere.
➤ Keep what you learn via OOC private, if it's sensitive information. Arguably the biggest difference between an admin and a player is how much more they see; this needs to be handled responsibly!
➤ While each person has their own 'style' of moderating, when interacting avoid being condescending. People respond better to a positive enforcer.
Staff Roles
Head Admin: Long-term staff members with entrusted authority to act as the final say and assist the rest of the team as needed. They develop policy and help to lead the staff. This is a Council of Three (Avajain, Chance, and Ludster). Head admins are also the only staff members with complete log access (player & staff actions).
Moderator: Making up the bulk of the team, a moderator assists in all manner of running the game, from organizing the hosting of PvP events to dealing with ticket help requests in a timely manner.
Dungeon Master: While it is not uncommon for staff members to host events, something unique to Eternia is our volunteer Dungeon Master system where any player of the game may take the role of DM and host an event for others. These powers are granted temporarily for the scheduled event after a swift and easy review process.
On Ghost & Player Logs
The ghost command is how staff quickly get around (as well as teleport), but it is against our policy to watch any scene outside of a public space. It's important for us to be respectful of player privacy in that sense to avoid subconscious meta, which is why head admins are the only staff with log access.
Ticket Etiquette
The ticket system is how staff are made aware of an issue when a player makes a help request. It archives all tickets for us in case we need to reference a situation. You can use the /leaderboard command to view who the current leading helpers are!
➤ Only take a ticket if you're sure you want to handle it entirely. Taking a ticket means other admins cannot respond.
➤ If a ticket requests a specific admin, leave it up as untaken so they see it. You can also @ them in the Discord in case they're unaware.
➤ Before closing a ticket, make sure to give the player time to ask any further questions before closing. Or just ask them if they need anything else.
Admin Panel & Chat Commands
➤ If a ticket requests a specific admin, leave it up as untaken so they see it. You can also @ them in the Discord in case they're unaware.
➤ Before closing a ticket, make sure to give the player time to ask any further questions before closing. Or just ask them if they need anything else.
Admin Panel & Chat Commands
You can view admin commands with F1. You can also type some of these command in the chat instead as a prefix, as follows:
Quote:/tplayer = teleport-player/tmob = teleport-mob/txyz - teleport-coords/ghost - ghost/boot - boot/ban - ban/unban - unban/announce - announce/revive - revive/spellrefund - refund-spell/spawn - spawn object/monster - spawn monster/summonmob - summon mob/summon - summon player/edit - edit
Variable Editor
The variable editor (otherwise known as debug) is a powerful tool that lets a staff member modify almost anything in the game, and should be used with caution. Ctrl + right-click on an object will open this menu.
Gear Slots - If you want to change an item's gear slot, the corresponding number is the slot
Quote:1 - Shirt
2- Torso
3 - Legs
4 - Head
5- Hands
6 - Feet
7 - Cloak
8 - Ring
9 - Weapon
10 - Pendant
11 - Other
12 - Glasses
13 - Shield
14 - Light
15 - Secondary
16 - Hair
17 - Crown
18 - Necklace
19 - Earring
20 - Prop
Editing Properties
House: ctrl right click the front door > look for 'Parent' and click the numbered hyperlink on it > Click the 'Owner Ckey' and change to the new one (all lowercase)
Stall: ctrl right click the stall > look for 'Stall' and click the numbered hyperlink on it > Click the 'Owner Ckey' and change to the new one (all lowercase)
Rewarding DMs
Following the successful completion of an event, a DM can request an Activity Point bonus to one of their characters. Note: they cannot grant this to a character they do not personally play.
Ctrl + right click the character. Search for 'activity_points' and add 500 for a small event, 1000 for a standard event, or 1500 for a large-scale event.
On Custom Sprites
As players have the ability to add new sprites to the world, whether it's a custom prop or an item, it is important that the staff ensures there is no copyright infringement (only original or public licenced art) as well as a high standard that meets the game's style.
➤Must be an original sprite. Recolors of existing sprites are fine.
➤Must be of a decent standard quality wise.
➤Sprites that imitate magic effects or spells, such as an aura, are not permitted. You are free to submit your sprite for review to be added as a spell to the game, however.
If you believe a player is not in accordance with the above, then you can send them a Private Message and remove the sprite from the item. Make sure to bring it up in staff chat first however as this is a subjective area.
Misc / Notes
➤ If someone DMs you asking you to handle an in-game matter without making a ticket, tell them that they'll need to make a ticket in-game. This is so that everything that gets handled by a staff member stays logged.
➤ Most things can be done using the edit command! Make sure to familiarize yourself with what it can do in relation to various objects being modified (players and items have different menus, for example.)
➤ Do not use Reward RPP when returning people's spent roleplay points for refunds, instead use Spend RPP and write - before the number.