06-28-2022, 03:02 AM
Shadow / Illusion/ Explosion
Assassin's Shroud
Quote:Your father, a kind if troubled man, whose undying love for family outweighed any legacies or duties beholden. Descended from the Vanreth name, a line of cursed individuals such as witches and lichs, and unusually Aquila evaded that fate. From a start, he and your mother ensured that you were cared for and put above all else. Showering you all with gifts or grand tales from the past, along with frequent excursions to visit your-... peculiar grandparents, with some others he’s learned to call family over the years, there wasn’t any shortage of love.
Raised betwixt several homes due to personal struggles, it didn’t leave much room to attach to any particular nation nor belief. Your father had a bad tendency of suppressing or concealing his personal brand of belief, to encourage you all to adhere to your own destined path.
Occasionally, there might be an air of dread in his presence, along with ominous disembodied voices. Fortunately, your mother ensured that none of you were around the troubled man during these brief episodes.
There were assurances that in due time, you’d learn further about your lineage and the dreaded curse.
Lion Fire Barrage
Quote:Your mother, a determined woman with a heart large enough for all of her children and her ideals. Descendant of the Vartuul family, a line of stalwart Dragonlords and Denmothers/fathers that caused the coat to thrive for generation, and aside from you all, essentially the last of her lineage. A fact that she openly laments.
As caring and loving as your father, they’d both do their damndest to ensure that you’re all spoiled and educated. With your mother, especially involving the draconic Divine whom she openly and devoutly worships, in contrast to the Naysien worship that has dominated the family for two generations, Naught a word was spoken of the black dragon. Fiercely ambitious, and dedicated to restoring the familial name and legacy. Free as you are to follow your paths, it is undoubtable that she’d encourage this.
Fiery, and her magical affinities are clearly evident as such. Wielding flame tinged with occult, to a devastating effect. Something that she might be willing to pass down unto you, along with a reputation as an extremely skilled artificer with Vartuul relics in her possession to pass on, if worthy. Her love is only matched by her yearning to see the Vartuul name reignite.
Crucial Information
⇝ There will be will be three slots maximum and will spawn in 1927 AC
⇝ You shall be the continuation of the Vartuul and Vanreth Legacies, and expectations are to have at-least One Vanreth and One Vartuul.
⇝ Sparse family on the Vartuul-side of the lineage due to personal tragedies and vanishing altogether., but plentiful family on the Vanreth-side. Doting witch-grandmother and void-lover Grandfather who likes to go out for cigarettes. Plus uncles and aunts you haven't met.
⇝ Your father's hair is scarlet and your mother's hair is stark-white. You may choose betwixt those colors, or even Vanreth green if you want to feel special. (Great-great-great-grandfather encourages this.)
⇝ Similarly, your father's eye color is steel-blue while your mother's is a vibrant fuschia. If you get cursed with the Gardios starry-eyes? Good luck.
⇝ You're eventually destined to be visited or I.E menaced by the lich that originated the Vanreth line - Your father highly recommends that you avoid hugging him.
⇝ The Vartuul heritages implies a strong connection to dragons and thus would be raised to revere them, especially the Divine. Which your mother would be happy to teach you about with your father vaguely encouraging you in the background.
⇝ Your mother is an extremely-skilled artificer and would happily make you unique items down the lines in addition to possibly passing down some in from the lineage.
⇝ Healthy and happy family dynamic, a rarity in Esshar.
⇝ Realistically, you've been raised between the Mountains, then Novus, then in hiding for the last stretch of your life. Particularly sheltered existence.
⇝ You will be encouraged to follow your own path in life, to evade the fates that nearly brought your parents into conflict. There won't be much pressure, but definitely some nudging - I.E. Divine Worship and the Vartuul Legacy.
⇝DM either Egomaniac#4774 or Starsong#4778