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We don't look backawrd; We keep moving foward
[Image: 2GI55OW.png]
[Image: Ud2m4LK.png]
Starfall has stayed dormant for a long period of time.
Only those who don't bear the gift of magic, those who worked taking care of the gardens and keeping the castle clean, have been the protagonists of those corridors through which the most brilliant minds once passed.
However, whispers have surfaced in recent months that a well-known being has returned.
It appears that the academy is now more active. People entering and exiting may be observed on a regular basis, and some areas are now closed to the public.
Those who have approached the light of this being
and inquired about what is going on, and have received this response.
[Image: dop0MJz.png]

 "The academy will not reopen;
it will not be the same as it was before,
we must all work together to go forward, to the future.

We're going to change this place.
In the meantime, people can still come to me for knowledge; 
I'm happy to share books, lessons, and resources with
brilliant minds who wish to study and work here.
You are welcome to train and perform magic
our arcana room,
but the Starfall Academy will be no more." 

 If you want to set up a scene with Sage, 
you can either Contact Penguin#2562 
or send an IC letter to the academy.
[Image: rsz_dekkksg.png]

Aurora Anthurium Wrote:
"I've been told by Mr.Sage of the state that Academy is in... Abandoned. Cruel, cruel I say!
This place has so much potential we have yet to discover...
I see it...! Mhm, mhm!
We still are deciding, we have to start out small...

But you are welcome to assist us!"
[Image: Ud2m4LK.png]
The changes to the building haven't gone unnoticed and a lone fairy, an ally and kin to Sage volunteered to assist with the matters... She will work towards funding any sorts of projects that will go in the academy, as well as guide ambitious minds towards the Wisdom of Sage.
Perhaps in nearby future, charity events along with festivals will be hosted... Games will be played!
All that is known for time being, is the new motto.

"Don't look backward; We keep moving foward."
[Image: dop0MJz.png]
You may DM Niko!#3465 or send an IC letter to Aurora Anthurium for a scene.
And if Sage is not awake, she will also direct any questions or concerns to him if needed!

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