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The Legacy of Shadows (Vorso Gen 3)
[Image: cIARANNN.png]
Quote:Your illusive father, one of the youngest of his family, was a man with a peculiar connection to their Patron. Often disappearing from Novus for months or even years on end, he sought to appease and serve the ever present visage that accompanied him. You and your mother were brought back after a particular excursion and left to live with your grandparents alongside numerous aunts and uncles.

From a young age your father would speak about his "imaginary friend" as he so playfully referred to it, as well as the family's inherent connection to the shadows that ran deep within your bloodline.  While he never gave direct answers he assured you would be told the full truth in time.

Though your father was often away, he was sure to make it known that he loved you either back bringing gifts or telling grand stories of his adventures, assuring that someday you might be able to travel with him should you so choose.

With no direct heirlooms or weapons to gift, he left your grandparents to equip and ready you for the world just as they did the rest of your family.

[Image: Vorso_Wife.png]

Quote:Your mother, a kind woman with a heart large enough to capture that of your father. Your memories of your mother were spent full of laughter and fun, a whimsical spirit that brought joy to the Vorso abode. Tragedy struck when you were young, however, and your mother was one of the many casualties in the first war between Novus and the Demon Slayers, her life taken in the damages to the port.

Things were never quite as bright after her loss, but the rest of your family did their best to raise you in your father's absence.

Important Things of Note

⚙ There will be multiple children accepted and able to spawn upon acceptance.

⚙ You will be spawning into a fairly large family so there will be ample opportunities for rp.

⚙ Your father's hair is scarlet though he uses illusions to make it appear black to avoid attracting attention.  However, you may decide upon another color per your discretion for your mother's lineage.

⚙ Your father's eyes are scarlet, but likewise, you may choose another color per your mother's side.

⚙ You have been raised in Novus for as long as you can remember alongside the Vorso household.

⚙ You are rather accustomed to darker magic, demons, and the like due to the company your family tends to keep.

⚙ Shadow bodily mutations are optional if not encouraged thanks to your Vorso heritage and your family's blessing.

⚙ You will be encouraged to follow in your family's footsteps in worshipping the Patron who blessed your bloodline.

⚙ Both your grandparents are artificers and will gladly make you unique items should you earn them.

⚙ You will have many opportunities for dev including illusion based hiddens, riftmancy, fleshcrafting, and spiritmancy amongst the members of your family.

⚙ It is highly encouraged one of your magic trees be shadow per Vorso tradition but it is not required.

⚙ Mains and alts accepted for this role.

If you have any questions or are interested in the position feel free to message OneBrainCell#3291 or Shimazl#4417

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