06-05-2022, 11:39 PM
![[Image: 38541337f7dfe6c4e77d1bc22b91bf56.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/893994293272932393/983144981306961980/38541337f7dfe6c4e77d1bc22b91bf56.jpg)
From the rubble and ashes of the city of Novus, a single figure emerged from the debris to survey the damages. From the peak of the city, overlooking the chaos, the founder and leader of the city spoke.
Quote:"The City of Scholars, that is what we have always tried to be. Neutrality amongst ourselves, open education for the masses, a city that prohibits and is beyond violence.It seems time that we step into our true role, the role designated to us by our Patron. The unseen entity, our unspoken guide, the duty gifted to us before the creation of our city.As the Vorsos stepped out of the shadows years ago, it is time Her name be learned.breakAll are welcome to hear the destiny before us. To learn of Her.
breakBlessed over death. Blessed beyond life. Given our responsibility."
![[Image: ebfe50a0943a726aecad309910cf7449.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/941145806285729833/983150314381246484/ebfe50a0943a726aecad309910cf7449.png)
Any who wish to learn the truth of Novus is welcome to come to learn of the Patron behind the scenes. To know of the destiny and responsibility the city will uphold from here on out.
Pandemonium does not stop the Vorso whose blood is already tainted by its power.
Novus will not bow its head in the face of destruction and submit when it is blessed by those higher than the likes of its oppressors.
Sermon of the Blessing
In front of the Novus Learning Center
In front of the Novus Learning Center
7pm EST
Peace will be upheld until violence is brought. This is meant to be a lesson of insight and understanding not an excuse for battle.