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Hello, my name is Faye. I've been here awhile. Three years? Something like that. This is my event thread.

Event Preferences: Anything that takes my fancy, really. I usually stray away from horror, but if given a good narrative I'd consider it! My talent shines best with intrigue, politics, discovery, and other narrative intensive stuff. While I can run a silly event, or even a ruthless one based around combat, I prefer to have more intricate interactions within my writing! Additionally, I prefer smaller groups, but will take large ones if they agree to behave. Unruly player parties in any game are annoying..- so display some etiquette please!

I've GMed for a multitude of tabletop games, I was event staff on a game much similar to this one, and I've written lore for this game and others! My understanding of the setting is pretty concrete I'd assume, given Chance has never had to come into Lore-Chamber and correct me..- yet. That being said I'll be doing my first few events cautiously, as to not ruin anyone's experience. Once I get on my feet and I'm feeling more confident, I'll be ready to tackle some of the bigger and badder events out there.

Are you currently running events, and if so, are you considering player requested events?: Yes. That is the idea. Though I'm also not free 24/7 so be patient and try not to be a sociopath in my DMs. I have other responsibilities, including a coming tabletop campaign, my own character, making profiles, and keeping myself sane/fed, so if you're weird and intrusive about the time/process to make your event plan I will literally smash your head with a hammer.


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