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Folian DM
Hey hey, I don't DM often, and probably won't do so via request, but under the scenario I do, here's a thread for it!

Contact Info: Folian#1395

Which Event:

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)


Any other comments:
[Image: corpoggo.png]
Key/Character: amogus
Which Event: amogus

Responsiveness: Amogus
Balance: amogus
Storytelling: 10/10, captured all of the spooky elements of approaching an ancient riftgate, had ancient lore snippets regarding old therian warlords, someone asked for shoes as their reward and got clown shoes
Fairness: amogus

Overall: I hate the antichrist

Any other comments: sus
Key/Character: Auriel Tabbris
Which Event: The Last Laugh

Responsiveness: Seven honks out of four big shoes.
Balance: Two Clown Cars and a Honk.
Storytelling: Four Honks, five clowns, a big bad wolf.
Fairness: Seven Bells, three whistles and a big red nose.

Overall: Fifteen Clowns in a Volkswagen Beetle.

Any other comments: Real talk storytelling was fire. Man types like the lightning he throws, extremely fair in the injuries and epic rewards. The injuries themselves had flavour and fun you would hope for from an event. The story was a cohesive and in-depth journey on the lore of the north and precise pieces of history that maintained the essence and flavour one would be looking for, I would 10/10 die on their event. 

True score; 10/10 even if he didn't manage to kill me Wink
Key/Character: Chiase Yomeshi
Which Event: The Last Laugh

Responsiveness: Definitely a more heavy, long-winded event, so I can't in good faith attribute the long times to 'responsiveness'. I have no idea at all what was going on but it all seemed very important. Responses were slow due to size. For their size, I'd say they were pretty quick.
Balance: For me? Not good. It was pretty clear I was massively outclassed in this event. For everybody else it was really good, I'm sure. I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have been picked to come? DM adjusted playstyle for my abysmal health pool though which I respect and appreciate due to the absolute dogshit rolls I had and the extreme likelihood of me hitting a 1 on fifth down, if I ever made it there.
Storytelling: I have no idea what the weight of this all was but it seemed very, very important. For game-events that have a DM like this, this is definitely my favourite so far. Even though I was rather shite, I still felt like I was contributing due to Folian's writing including all five characters during crucial scenes. Storytelling was immersive and very fun. Maybe a little on-the-rails, and I didn't see many opportunities for alternate pathing (besides losing or winning rounds), but I'm not familiar with the etiquette of E3 events and whether or not that's standard. Also, due to the (I assume) dramatic importance of this event, diverging this way or that might have been rather difficult.
Fairness: Rewards were very good. Chiase got a great dev mat for her armor or sword, without too much risk. There was a hanging threat that I eat fucking shit and hit a fat crit 1 like I did the first roll of the event, but I kinda got carried and we won every round but one. 4day injury seemed rather harsh, but it was copy-pasted across all of us and some had 12day so I can see why. More burns for the fox.

Overall: Very good introduction to events. Like my introduction to raids I was clearly not up to par with the rest and wondering if I really should've been here, but the little adjustments Folian made to facilitate my continued existence really helped out and made me feel like I was allowed to be there, even if I was shite.

Overall, said "woman moment" to me on Discord, 0/10 and I'm downvoting the post.

Any other comments: N/A
[Image: Drawing-48-sketchpad-1.png]

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