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Calamity Approaches - Pandemonium Builds
The cold desert night of Galamea strikes to a chill in the bones of a Rhoynur long past her years of prime. Steps that echo in a sleepless night, each step she makes leaving a message in the sand. Just north of the Fort Erradir, before the mountain homes does she stop.
There is a look to the skies, cloudless and star filled. In the desert where no lights shine, this is where the sky is most clear and can be enjoyed to its fullest. But, this is not the reason this woman travels here. Not on this night. There was a much more dire purpose.
In but the blink of an eye, those golden iris are replaced by the crack of lightning, the Storm itself called to her being. Cloudless, clear night skies scream in agony as they are sundered and clouds race from all corners of Esshar. They join together and form a mass of dark, brooding Storm. Azure snaps and cracks like whip before roaring down to the dry greens of the sands. It wasn't supposed to rain, it wasn't supposed to Storm. Such dry vegetation caught aflame as all of the skies energies began to channel to one central point.
The arm of the Dayndros woman lifted, Aurella's limb a lightning rod as the building power of the Heavens themselves struck down and filled her with their wrath. The Storm Empress' return, wielding true lightning for perhaps one last task. It surged from the tip of fingers to her entire self, such power so long forgotten. It filled her with youth.
Armed now with her chosen weapon, an extension of arm out to the vacant sands, fingers splayed and palm stretched. The True Lightning gathered, it would sizzle and ball into a concentrated ball of pure mana, the woman a battery for this devastating bolt that cut through cold night air. It'd be sent forth and crash into dunes of the desert, nearly turning it to glass on direct impact, but instead blasting it aside.
What rested in the ending mayhem as wicked and unnatural storm was a tunnel bore through the sand and an entrance that was almost crypt-like unveiled. Just how long had it rested there? Why open it now? What was its purpose?
Whispered on the night was but a few words upon Aurella's exit of the hidden tomb.
"Pandemonium was never my goal. But, one does not so easily tarnish my name."
 She carried one object out of the dune, stored it within Fort Erradir and went back twice more for two similar objects, all covered to observing eyes. Each one hidden somewhere else. Just what was underway in the deserts of Galamea?

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