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Rumor bulletin board.
Attached onto one of the above flyers located near the farm pointed out on the map, some posting have managed to come out. Each one written on a separate piece of paper, with different handwriting on each. Although some seem a bit similar to each other.

Quote:It seems Moonfall declared war on Osrona because of the death of Caritas
Quote:A butcher is hanging out in the woods, attacking anyone from Osrona that they meet.
Quote:Apparently Caritas the witch begged for her life, was sobbing like a baby before she died, saying she would do anything.
Quote:Cornelia the occultist was killed right after declaring war on Osrona. What a joke of a village leader.
Quote:Seems The Order is arresting anyone who brings to light any of the injustices they commit. Is it fine the Knights are above the law if it means helping the bigger picture and keeping the peace even if a few commoners need to be treated like trash?
Quote:When a Knights goes to prison, The Order doesn't put any kind of Anti-Magic Restraints on them. A Knight was assaulting anyone who came and mocked them for being locked up, shocking them with electricity. And now they walk free without any further punishment.

(Edit) A hastily written paper is also attached, written in a barely legible handwriting.
Quote:The man who searches outside Osrona and attacks anyone they find uses Bone Magic, Energy Magic, and Unarmed abilities. They are very dangerous.
Once more new pieces of paper begin to stack up on the bulletin board.

Quote:Cameo has kidnapped Remei and taken her hostage in Moonfall! Some say he's the new leader of the Syndicate!
Quote:Cameo purposely abused his position of power so that his allies in the Syndicate could recruit the lower class, using Cameo as an example of how the higher ups didn't care about anything except themselves. If most situations of abuse were caused by undercover Syndicate operatives, what kind of change were they looking to achieve?
Quote:Drain Gang are responsible for all the new batch of tomes being sold. They figured if the rest of the town got used to being surround by trash like discarded magi-spheres, they wouldn't mind joining them and living in the sewers with them.
Quote:Moonfall is in chaos, they just don't know what to do. Some say the village is going to have a civil war! Not that there's many people left alive in Moonfall to care.
Quote:Moonfall Village is scared out of their mind at the might of Osrona. They know that even their strongest fighters are weaker than the basic cadets of the city. Many are questioning if they should really be against believing in the stars, and some have taken to saying prayers to the stars before they sleep!

(Edit) : Once more, some last minute additions are hastily added to the board.

Quote:There's a shop in Sudbury that sells cheap materials! They also sell amazing stories for all to enjoy, but stocks are limited.
Quote:Critics are praising TrialOfHeisenbee for it's creativity and suspense. People on the streets are demanding a part 2 and 3! Will they ever know if Heisenbee really committed the crime? Or was it all a set up?
Passing word of mouth between commoners seethes with quiet excitement.

Quote:"Did you hear that the witch Camille was bested in battle? It is said that her right arm was shorn right off!"

Quote:"I heard that an unusual item has come into circulation, maybe even on the Black Market! Someone has their hands on the tooth of a Dragon!"

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