Sometime has passed since his death, yet the memoirs finally became public
Quote:For ages I have fought
A monster of my parents design
Gifted to Shadowmire at a young age after my mutations took hold
My name, an ironic statement for one shrouded in darkness
I stood in the garrison of Fort Umbra
Survived the slaughter, the genocide of my people
Helped gather the monsters in our new haven of the Dreadwoods
Molded several generations of darkness
Protected the young demons while they grew
My countless wounds are beginning to weigh me down
My cursed axe heavier then the year prior
The wars I have fought in are plentiful
A monster does not stop until their last breath
I have fulfilled my purpose as a tool, a weapon, bested several hunters, witnessed Nanzo's banner being placed on top of the place that once housed the vampires, but I yearn for one thing
Death on the battlefield, glory through combat, and Mother's Embrace
Though I will be missed by many. The generations I have Molded
Once I have found it
I will finally be where I need to be
The Last Knight of Shadowmire, Light Delarosa