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Wyrm's Landing
[Image: RdK5jGh.jpeg]

"I spoke upon the world."

"Many whisper among themselves, cowering in shadows and believing they are above my touch."

"Some within my own Coat question me, casting doubt and mockery upon my words."

"Now I have acted."

"Fear for when I speak again and gaze upon my wings in fervent envy."

"My words come from faith and my faith should not be taken lightly."

"Watch the shadows carefully, ilk of demon and Nyx."

"I am watching your every step."

[Image: EBQ9M0F.png]

"Within sin she decrees."
There would be a neat response from Promethea in response to this slaughter, an official declaration baring clear experience in customer service.
"They are replaceable. The same cannot be said for Ozias Vartuul's wife. It is good to see the Ebonblooded are still as loud as they are foolish."
[Image: 12439964_terminator.jpg?v=1563172340]
"You seem to have mistaken me for Novus, not the Coat."

"Kill her for all I care. Though I suppose I will have to kill another of yours."

"I was going to kill her myself and I hate when others take my vengeance."

"Enjoy your shallow victories though, Promethea. Your twilight is soon to fade."
[Image: lqwnUMU.png]

There's a missive, directly to the Synthetic leader, written from the Herald himself.
It is short, but sweet.

"I do believe my daughter informed you all we do not negotiate with humes.
That includes the fake kind such as yourself, as well.

And as I informed Ozias-

Life finds a way."
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]

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