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Freed Children of Clan Ilian pt. 3
[Image: clanilian.png]
The notion of freedom and everything it entails is something that Clan Ilian strives to maintain. The backbone of their ideals and traditions. It's something that's essential to the Rhoynur of Galamea.
Though for the unfortunates outside of Esshar, this is only a hope. A wish. As they're held in captivity, being forced to work in chains by their captors, freedom is all they can think of. This is the life you've lived. Born into serfdom, freedom was something that was out of reach for you and your people.
 For one settlement in particular across the Essharan waters, this would all change throughout the course of one night as a lone raft set out.  
All you could hear was the sound of thunder, booming. Bolts of azure lightning crashing down, reducing the surrounding forges and factories to rubble in what seemed to be an instant. The ones who enslaved you were now no more. Murdered. You were now unbound, along with your kin, all thanks to a figure clad in black. 
With no home or family to go back to, you were taken back to the City of Riches and raised as a Dayndros.
What will you do with this new life ahead of you?

**Things to Note**
☥ - Dayndros surname, adopted under Nolan Dayndros.
☥ - Two kids for now, gender can be whatever.
☥ - Raised under teachings and guidance of Clan Ilian.
☥ - Appearance can be whatever, just make sure you have Rhoynish traits.
☥ - No restriction on magic.
☥ - Prince and/or Princess privileges.
☥ - Big family.
☥ - Cool grandparents and great grandparents and great great grandparents.
☥ - Soonest you can spawn is 1918.
☥- DM @ pikeo#9965 if you want to :]


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