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[Image: tDKFyPh.png]
I'm sick.

While enemies rally for reviving Nyx and demons roam the earth...-

-the Coat sits idly, scared of death and defeat.

They romance, befriend, and cuck to their heart's content.

Busy within individual pleasures and peace.

Fighting in the wild, yet never coiling to strike out.

Too afraid of the dragon-killers who loom nearby.

Too content with what was given to them...-

-festering in hedonism with no goals but survival.
[Image: bpHGKPu.png]

Filth undeserving of titles granted to them.

Black Priests and Dragoons acting like entitled children.

Too cautious to ever hold an ounce of Naysien's pride.

I refuse to mimic their behavior...-

I call onto others within the Coat to do the same.

Do not settle for peace and subjugation.

Lash out and roar as loud as our ancestors.

While children play politics and house...-

[Image: EBQ9M0F.png]

-I will be leading us onto war.

Prepare yourself, followers of Nyx...

-for a true dragon looms overhead.
This was nuts.
Completely unprecedented...
The old Denfather hadn't been given a reason to awaken before 10am since he'd been in the company of a particularly energetic Teraphim woman.
Not until of course, the news reached him at his bedside, prompting reading glasses to be donned...
[Image: forionapost.png]
"She's what? You're sure she's one of mine?
Fuck, that's kinda cold though."
- Athelaide Naysien 
In spite of the alarming news, he takes his bastard daughter's declaration with a hint of pride, deciding that only through violent discourse would the Ebonblooded survive its own inadequacies. So forth was an air of legitimacy granted to the schizophrenia of Iona's intentions in the aging ebon-horned drakanite's assent.
Was violence the answer? Yes, always. Without a doubt.

"You look like an idiot."

"You're talking without understanding anything going on beyond your own eyes.
I'm unsure if you even tried to ask.."

"I'm not a Dragoon or a Black Priestess, but I won't let you be an embarrassment either."

"Beat me, and I'll heed your words.
If I prove victorious?
You heed mine, and learn the future of the Coat."


"...Except the cuck stuff, that's just weird.
Handle that on your own time. Don't make it all of our business."


A Challenge for Iona.
Danger cap 3
I never have and never will cower in face of a fight be it Osronan, Ebon, or otherwise.

Whatever future you see better prove worth the time and grace of Naysien.

Else you are better off killing me now, kin.

I will not play tea with the under-ilk of this world. I will have glory to our goddess or death in her shadow.

I will not settle for an in-between.

Nyx will stay dead. Vampires will fear my shadow. Osrona will leave their lights on at night.

For now though, I must discipline you.

Your challenge is accepted. Do not disappoint me.

With haste the duel took place, with witnesses from both within the Ebonblooded and without.
It was a clash of ideals and plans for the future that neither warrior left from unscathed.
A battle to prove in Naysien's name that strength of the mind as was important as strength of the body.

Though rumors say the field of battle plummeted in temperature to such an extent one could no longer stand.
Iona fell beneath the devastating effects of the sudden winter.
Nadeya Svarovsky proved victorious, holding their opponent at their mercy.


In the aftermath words were exchanged, the frozen Iona was released with a promise made.

"Now we will begin."

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