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Musha Shugyo! (Warriors Pilgrimage!)
[Image: 229958927.jpg]
Quote:And so, with the promotion from squire to knight. One of the goals of the young Rhoynur was realized. Wilhelms journey was only just beginning and with the loss of one of his closest friends Acacius...he'd begin his search for answers. Enlightenment towards life. Honing his abilities of the blade...gaining knowledge about things he'd thought he'd never need to know. There was much more to the blade than raw strength. With this in mind, a pilgrimage came to thought. A word to his fellow brother in arms before departing...

If you too, are in search of what I seek...enlightenment. Then you are welcome to join me. The choice is yours."

Never one for too many words, his bag was packed and he'd be well on his way toward the direction of Sheng! Prepared to face whatever trials awaited him.

Attendees: Wilhelm R. + SOME members of  The First Light (5 max)
Risk: Whatever the DM sees fit.
Themes: Enlightenment, Journey, SHENG, Warrior Trials!
Rewards: To be Discussed.
Discord: SkarSkorpa#7717
DM: Searching!
Still searching! C:

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