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[Image: RW2NfrO.jpg] 

'A crow delivers a message with the Keeper's mark to the eastern city.'
Quote:In the presence of the righteous, the wicked shrink, knowing that they will not be able to hide forever. You should be aware, Lyrean orn Grimmore, that one's choices in life have repercussions. As a result, I offer you this chance to leave the city and confront your own judgment. Lest you wish to be hunted down like the dog you are, just know that judgement is far more merciful when one comes to face the retribution of their actions rather than trying to scamper away from the consequences.
Setting: Deadly 
In the crisp morning air with dew still fresh upon the grass, rows of soldiers bearing the Platinum Sun emblem await an address from the Marquis.
The two Tenebrae, Janus and Lyrean Grimmore, stood at the head of two main columns, waiting alongside their troops, the knots of rank in their armor distinguishing them as officers. The Marquis' unnatural stare was amplified by those of The Void who were always lurking in his presence.

"As of late there have been issuances of duels to some of The Last Light, a practice growing ever more common in the western world. We do not abide by the requests and demands of Osrona nor her colonies. They will attempt to goad you with notions of dated codes and empty words like 'honor'.
We do not hide here, we bide our time. The results of the would-be assault on the Egress stands as a testament to not only our readiness to fight, but keen ability to do so as well. Any call for a duel is nothing more than them setting the stage for their own victory. Do not fall into such a ploy. Instead I bid you- Let them come hunt.
Let them mock our patrols and squad tactics..
..And we will carry on adding their dead to our armies.
 The address ends with explicit orders to the troops not to fall to any baiting of the enemy to see them killed on their terms.
The City of Progress marches on to their own beat.


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