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Demon Slayer Corps: Novus District
[Image: mi4ITn2.jpg]
Quote:In the dead of night several small ships baring the banner of the Demon Slayer Corps can be spotted heading towards the Novus. All aboard these ships are heavily armed, and their target seems to be Novus' ports. This assault should come as no surprise to those whom know of the slayers creed: Those who march hand in hand with demons, should be treated as no less than a demon itself.
Tone: Surprise naval attack on Novus' ports. 
Objective: Damage and loot Novus' ports.

Date: 4/30/22 (Saturday) at 6pm est
[Image: 4fcca0a65d5b6aa3cc536c8fedd26b37_1.jpg?w...height=559]
"Can't a man just sleep in peace nowadays? Always so loud.."

Rumors begin to circulate around Novus, as well as the city can be seen being readied up by their Commanders. Though, a particular one steps up to make an announcement, a message to the fleet that's making its way towards Novus's walls.
Quote:"I figured this would happen at one point."
"Was this your idea, Seraphina?"
"The sole person with enough angst to actually pull this off and expect to walk out unscathed would be you, after all."
"To think someone would be so gutsy to pull this kind of stunt."
"I hope you aren't expecting for this to be a piece of cake with me as a Commander."
"Coming over here is a clear sign that your luck has finally ran out."
"Time to use you guys as an example of what happens to those who dare to attack Novus."
"I wonder if you'll be able to handle the guilt of bringing so many innocents to a slaughterhouse."
"We just have to see, don't we?"
It appears that ever single member of the military is more than ready for the incoming assault, with their weapons being prepared personally by the Forgemaster himself.
Novus is ready.
As a formal announcement, Novus and the Demon Hunters have decided to keep the raid exclusively between the two smaller groups.

Allies are discouraged from signing up as their matchups will be denied.

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