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Hel's Reprisal
Hel's Reprisal

[Image: unknown.png]

Following news that the western lands now house an organized militia of Demon Hunters, whispers in the darkest corners of the east grow louder....

Quote:"It is said that mortal children clutch their mothers side in the night, paralyzed in fear of what the dark might bring; imagery of the wretched and deformed embedded deep within their psyche, beckoning torment and horror to suffocate.

Yet, if that is to be true, then why do they raise arms in rebellion against the architects of their nightmares?

What treachery against nature allows them to challenge the established order and declare themselves above the laws of the universe?

You are not feared

You are not feared, feared as you ought to be.

Reintroduce to them ancient trauma, bless them with understanding of their inferiority.

Burn them, so they may feel the great fire that awaits."

...The source of the whispers are easy to trace for those attuned to such things, a temple to the south of Promethia, cast far and wide by a particular Nethradin, the same Nethradin who will pay for any captured members of this group.

Twenty-five hundred coins for any captured Demon Hunter will be paid upon delivery, the dead reward nothing while a higher valued captive is expected to net additional payment.

[Image: unknown.png]

      "What...? That much? That's two Kaor Demons and a half."


                   "Very well. This should make matters more interesting."

The Voice of the Tribes soon returns the bounty upon the Demon Hunters cast forth, with one of her own.

[Image: unknown.png]

"Twelve thousand for a Nethradin's Corpse."

"Do not bother bringing it to me alive."

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