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The Hyakki Yagyo
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How long have I waited?
Years? Decades?
This feeling......
It burns, like fire broiling in my veins. Every breath of air that fills my lungs in anticipation only serving to stoke it farther. The deafening beat of drums that rings in my ears... None other than that of my heart.--
...What did they call it again?

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[Image: unknown.png]

Across the east does word quickly spread of a pronouncement decreed by none other than the growingly-furtive Duskcaller of Promethia. By parchment or transmitter rings throughout the lands, dread forests or streets all the same, the vivid description of Helfire burning in the serpent's eye matched all the same; his skin pallid and pale, nigh flaking from his flesh.

"Patriots, dreglings, nightmare-kin, truth-seekers, and dirge bearers of the East... To all of you I bid an invitation to the culmination of the last ten years of our work.

For every drop of my fel blood that painted my greatest masterpiece, I would see a dozen of you stand amidst the crowd in awe...

The parade that I've spent so long preparing.

The Hyakki Yagyo.

My patience runs thin with every moment that passes -- So there's none left to waste!

Come the next eclipse, revel in joy amidst the streets of Promethia. 

Eat and drink and drain away your woes for but one day and bare witness...

To the birth of a new Archon."

The secrecy of such an event is one long-since compromised, and yet little more than bemusement was to be found upon his face.

"All may partake of such merriment if they desire, but to those who would interrupt?
Let them come.
I have need of a feast for my own gullet."

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Just beyond the walls, then some distance more did the foliage sway and chant.
Thrums akin to the language of fresh soils echo even within.

Only as dusk fell did the shine of torches grow closer.
And unto the runic spawning pool of the Duskcaller's creation.

Their goal, naught less than its destruction before it begets what lays within.

Objective: Sabotage the Pandemonium Egress
Upon request, this will be delayed one hour to 6pm EST today.
[Image: corpoggo.png]

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