I-0Naysien x Network
Your Father

[Image: IIAwfV7.jpg]

Naysien's Flame

...would happen to be a man named Amnon. A cleric, and the son of Kentas and Maya Naysien. Fanatical to a fault, his devotion to Naysien pulls at the world around him, warping reality - strong enough to mend the wounds of the Ebonblooded, a miracle he's performed countless times over his adult life.

This is the one who's raised you, and he's showered you in spoils. His parents - your grandparents - were notoriously cold to him, a black mark on their record that he's strove to avoid repeating. Expect gifts, lavish praise, and celebration.

This is the third emporium thread with a different second parent, so you can make of that what you wish.

Your... Mother?

[Image: SOubiml.jpg]

Super Magi (evil!)

...would happen to be a... businessperson named Clover. An accomplished artificer and alchemist, the only child of Foster Naysien and Myrine. Firm in their claims that they are not an Ebonblooded, the two always made for an unusual pair, one forged more through shared circumstance than ideology.

That can only go so far, though. The irreconcilable personal disagreements on such unimportant trivial matters as 'should we kill Naysien' gradually pushed them both apart, over the years. At the present moment, they're best described as estranged, with Amnon maintaining his love of them despite Clover's profound fear of the Cleric.

Rich, well-connected within Waystone, probably a serial killer.
Will definitely throw you a chunk of hush money and otherwise pretend you don't exist.


[Image: MeT1xRf.jpg]

Are probably fucked.

  • Can spawn starting in 1911, just over a week from today.
  • Will probably be an Occultist. It's not quite a given, but it's pretty likely.
  • Can be either a human or a Drakanite. The latter is good for making your dad happy.
  • Have good reason to beef with basically everyone on the planet.

Contacts is... Nerdlord57#3717.
i miss mouse so much
[Image: unknown.png]
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