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Okabe-Seydoux Auction
[Image: auction_banner.png]

News has begun to spread by word of mouth of an auction to take place shortly after the upcoming grand wars!!
It's said to take place in the Ocean's Deep restaurant on the central island in Esshar where the grodolom job is, that luxury goods and uncommon materials alike will be put on sale to the highest bidder; an eve of capitalist revelry in which food and drink will be provided.
Those with rare items collecting dust in chests who are interested in pawning them off during the auction are encouraged to make contact with either of the burgeoning company's cofounders, Marie Seydoux II or Guo Okabe.
There's one simple rule for the evening's affair: no fighting on the island!! Warring factions are expected to refrain from hostilities in the name of commerce and international trade.
{Tuesday, March 1st @ 6 PM EST}
Happy bidding!
[Image: eZhL6Qm.png]

As the day draws closer, an unpaid intern is hired to trek across Esshar and hand deliver flyers detailing the auction's time and locale, as well as offering a sneak preview of two of the items on the auction's master list. A reminder is affixed to the bottom of each that people from all nations are welcome and that violence on the grounds is prohibited.

The first item showcased is a luxury wristwatch, stated to be one of four in part of a collection themed around the primary elements, which one might wear in addition to any existing pendant and ring they own. Attuned to the timestream, it will never be so much as a single second off. Imbued with the power of its respective element, it will provide a nice minor boost to a magi's strength on top of their existing gear.

Feu [HAND]
1900AC - Forged by Marie Seydoux II & Guo Okabe
Catch on fire and people will come for miles to see you burn.

This wristwatch is one of four, part of a collection themed around the
four base elements: fire, earth, water, and air. In the case of this
particular wristwatch, the silvery steel base of which is tinged with a
blazing vermillion veneer, the theme is that of fire.

Encircling the front of the case are gleaming fire crystals set into the
metal as though they were diamonds, sparkling in the presence of
light. Also shimmering is the metal of the watch itself, fairy powder
having been sprinkled into the liquefied metal before it was quenched
to give it a luxurious sheen.

The watch itself ticks on in complete silence, as it was constructed with
no gears. Instead are runes engraved onto the bottom of the case, out
of sight as it lays against one's wrist, which have been imbued with
chronomatic magics. The watch is synchronized to the timestream itself,
never going so much as a single second out of line. As such, the crown
of the watch does nothing to manipulate its hands; it's a vestigial
adornment that's there for purely cosmetic purposes.

Emblazoned into the face of the watch is the mutual symbol of its
manufacturers: a water lotus flower with four incense sticks jutting
up and out from behind it, smoke coiling from the tip of each one.
Boost: +1fire pow +1fire def

The second listing is a bundled item. The first part consists of notes detailing how one can manufacture what's been dubbed "elementium," or mythril that's been perfectly bonded with and attuned to the magics of a certain element. The second part is proof that the notes work: a market standard chunk of anemus, elementium that's attuned to the winds.

Anemus Chunk [SHIELD]
Though metals infused with the powers of the elements are not unheard
of, this chunk is a delicate and perfect bonding of wind magic and mythril
at the molecular level, creating a new alloy entirely. If properly tempered,
this allow can produce incredibly gusts of wind with only the slightest bit
of magic influence. Weaponry, transportation, power generation, so many
Boost: None

Many more items are to go up for sale, ranging from luxury goods dating back over half a century, to a rare cooking ingredient from the adamantite chef competition, to raw materials for artificers to get their hands on. The date and location are set, so bring your wallets; bids will be in increments of 1,000 minimum.

Tuesday, March 1st @ 6PM EST
Ocean's Deep Restaurant
Grodolom Quest Island
The auction begins shortly, hurry to the Ocean's Deep for a chance to see and bid on rare treasures you'll never find elsewhere. (466, 541, 1)
[Image: jorge-jacinto-the-auction-house-red.png?...height=542]
The Lewran Agency assures all that it is not an opportunity you would want to miss. 

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