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another profile thread lmao

yea that's about it.
i can make u a profile for 5 dollars (US), they're not super fancy.
if it's for a maid, u can have it free.
(brought to u by georgia font)

[Image: blythe.png]

[Image: athelaide1.png]

[Image: athelaideadult2widename.png]

[Image: athelaideretired1.png]

[Image: yvette1.png]
[Image: yvette2.png]


[Image: yvette3.png]

[Image: yvette4.png]


dm me at Quatral#8880 lmao
they have an unique charm to it i 100% recommend

keep up the good work quatral
[Image: FWC20no.png]

(,,> ᴗ <,,) sowwy.......

still making profiles, still 5 dollars.
some samples of my more recent and improved upon work, figured out what a plugin is (thank u seaside)
[Image: ikedaredmon1.png]

[Image: petra2.png]

[Image: ryu1.png]

[Image: shikimirokabe1.png]

[Image: andrielosrila1.png]

[Image: eliamwirths1.png]
(also go check out georgiana's profiles, she's great)
i've gotten a wee lil bit better at these recently
still 5 dollars, it's not for a good cause but i may get chinese food

(free if it's a maid)

[Image: cyrus3point5.png]

[Image: anais1.png]

[Image: diana2.png]

[Image: diana3.png]

[Image: natasha1.png]

[Image: radellaratcliffe4point5.png]

[Image: tanaka1png.png]
[Image: cyrus1.png]
[Image: cyrustennis1.png]
be sure to also check out that boy folian send him to college please

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