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Memoirs of an Angry Rhoynish
[Image: bhPKZtL.jpg]
Chapter One.
Loss and rebirth
‘My Daisies, mama - don’t forget I want my Daisies!’

I was innocent once, even when I was engulfed in a world much too harsh for a child.  The ever encroaching hand of enslavement enveloped my world, yet I was much too blinded with my purity to really see it.  Truth be told I have the woman who gave birth to me to thank for that. I like to call her my ‘other mother’, but does that really do her title the justice it so very much deserves? The strongest woman I have ever met, she is the one who gave me life.  She is the one who kept my world so innocent, despite being consistently abused by our en-slavers.  I just wish, no - I desperately need…To keep the memories of her alive.

My memories of the Daisies are my fondest one.

I vaguely remember the room we used to sleep in, but that hardly matters.  What is important are the Daisies my mother would create for me every night just before my eyes closed for the night.  I recall the warmth of her lap where my head would lay night after night. Sometimes, only when I focus really hard, can I almost feel it there still.  With my eyes closed I can see her delicate, meager hand lower just before my face.  The air is quiet then, light and seemingly even fragile in a way. Everything stops, and all that matters are my daisies.  Within her very own hand, she held the one thing in my life that would seem magical.  A mother bringing light into the world of her child, even in a world so glum and unsatisfactory.

This is why I love her even now and will cherish her forever.

 Despite the loss, the horrid memory of her death, and the endless nights laying awake just waiting for my Daisies…I still feel that undying love for her.

-but I also remember the bloodied smile of my savior.
The savior who picked me and my twin up from the slums of slavery, and took us to a far away place.
She saved us, cared for us, loved us all the same.

Fate chose my mother, and it chose Aurella Dayndros of Clan Ilian.

It is with her, where my strength is beginning to flourish. I’ve learned the teachings of what it is to not only be a true Rhoynish, but a part of Clan Ilian. Yet there is still much to learn, much to experience.

Today I watched my mother fight a demon of her past.
What if she would have been killed?
With my freedom, I am able to prevent history from repeating itself.
'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. For that, is the rule of honor.'
The Okabe family will never be forgiven.
The demon king is mine.
[Image: iFtSIcu.jpg]
[Image: YlShSES.jpg]
Chapter Two.
'Let's not act like momma didn't challenge him.

Or like any of them have anything to do with that.'
There is a stark difference between me and others of my home.  It's becoming more clear with each passing day, but sometimes being different can be a learning experience.  When I saw my ma' out on the battle field fighting that demon, all I could feel was my rage.  I watched him put a hole through her chest, and all I could think was; 'I don't want to lose another ma'. Truth be told it was terrifying, but what was even more terrifying? Was that I was willing to hurt not only the person responsible, but anyone who might be close to him.  The blindness of my rage in the end, would have brought me nothing but dishonor to myself.
I don't want to be blinded by my rage.
I want to understand it - see it more clearly.
My brother Armani has been blind for longer than I can remember, but he is able to see so clearly. If he'd not jumped in between me and Guo and spoke sense into me, who knows what my anger would have needlessly sparked.  I don't want to be a Martyr. The children of the demon king have a right to their freedom of choice, and all I can do from where I stand is hope they do not follow in the footsteps of their father.  I've learned this, and from now on I choose to see things differently. To inspect the things that anger me, differently.
What Armani said to me opened my eyes.
Which is why it confuses me, as to why he thinks the Vorso children do not deserve the same respect as an Okabe.
Why would he rectify my anger against Guo, but sympathize with Hale and his act out against the entire Vorso family?
Are the two situations really that different?
Who calls someone racist over calling a wild domice - 'desert mice'?
I don't understand how some girls lack of understanding of the Rhoynish is that a big deal to begin with.
-but to blame her entire family for her ignorance?
Teach her instead of causing needless, pointless, ongoing rival-ship.
Nonetheless, I have learned a lot about Novus that I don't think any of my people know. I've asked questions to understand if I should hate them, because to be honest - it would be so much easier if I did hate them - but I just don't see the appeal...You know what else I am learning? That knowledge is just as powerful as brute strength, and I plan to have the best of both worlds.
I want to be the viper amongst the lions.
[Image: iFtSIcu.jpg]

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