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To Embrace the Spirits

"Is time we start honoring the Spirits proper again."

Word around Moxtli travels fast, as a particular Nagual seeks to gather the tribesmen and allies.
Spreading the word that she plans on preaching Tocathianism, and the beliefs of her clan to all who would listen.
The tree growing had been the start of a new beginning, and it would be up to the newer generation to make the best future from it.
Though the invitation would soon spread beyond the borders of the Tribelands, and all allies would find themselves just as welcome.

"They have been neglected too long, but no more."

[Rowan Moon will be hosting a lesson on the Tocathian/Neo-Tocathian beliefs at 5pm EST, on Saturday]
[Location: New Moxtli]
[Just a reminder that this is tomorrow at the above time, see you there!]

"Before the world held a shape.."

As promised the lesson was held from one of Moxtli's highest points.
The Shaman known as Rowan putting on a display of water and her own blood,
to visually display the earliest tales of Tocathianism as she danced to call on the Spirit's own energies.
Offering insight into the creation of the world, as the Divine Spirits lured Chaos to it's prison.

Promising future rituals and a return to the Old Ways that once made Moxtli great,
all questions posed by participants were addressed.
Though the promise of another lesson lingered.

"This is the tale of the Three Warlords.."

Word spreads by word of mouth that another lesson is soon to come.
Shaman Rowan prepares to tell the tale of the Three Warlords and Ixchel in the weeks to come,
once more inviting all of Moxtli and it's allies to attend should they wish.

[To be held in Moxtli's center on Friday at 5pm EST!]
[This has been moved to Saturday 5pm EST, due to scheduling conflicts.]

 "Spill the blood of those who would dare demand you kneel.
Spill the blood of the damned, of The Betrayer's armies.

A war comes, and the Naguals will lead humanity to victory.
You are now the Shadows that dance when the Moon is high."


Within Moxtli another lesson is taught by Shaman Rowan.
The history and creation of her own people,
and the destiny granted to them all by Ixchel.

Another lesson in the future is promised,
with the topic left to those in attendance to wonder.

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