ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: I'm pretty sure this has been reported a lot already, but I'm doing it to cope just in case.. Enarr passive does nothing but a single tick of about 250ish damage with 330 power.

How to reproduce:
>Be Enarr neph
>Proc passive
>Curl up

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):

[Image: d2v0gzo-4698b62b-3b70-4297-ad40-df61316d...pOUGKxYRfo]
Describe the issue: King Boar passes through walls

How to reproduce: When the King Boar charges (5 dash attacks) he can clip through the map and move between areas that are close by on the map layer. He can also just pass into walls if they are within his charging path

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): [Image: image.png?ex=66462ccd&is=6644db4d&hm=4bf...34b1134e4&]

(Picture is a discord link and may break after a while)
Describe the issue: Valor's Light has no holy shockwave damage(?) on Powersmash cast

How to reproduce: Powersmash with Valor's Light on, see the holy shockwave for maybe a SINGLE frame of existence

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): [Image: valorlightbroken.png]
It actually exists for maybe a single frame or tick. It doesn't do anything else from what I can tell.

  • Aura: 15% AP +15 vit

  • Effect: Fires a wave of holy magic out when Powersmash is cast, does not knockback.
Describe the issue: Homes no longer have a warper between rooms and floors, after the reboot that happend 10 minutes ago. Or rather they seem to have become solid ?

How to reproduce:
Enter any home, like the public ones.
Try to get upstairs or any other room inside.
Can't walk through the warper as it is solid ?

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):

I have tried many houses in the Final Frontier, as long as you try to enter the other rooms tied to the building, the warper is solid.
The rooms seem to still exist as I can teleport to my room upstairs with wayfinding, but even the warper to downstairs is solid.

EDIT: The problem is now solved !
Describe the issue: I cannot RB the key 'LoneliestOrphan'
How to reproduce: i have no clue

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

please, i just want to be able to use this key again, it's a 225 rpl rb and i cant utilize it
[Image: sRw0SQI.png][Image: noaccident.png]
Describe the issue: Azure Flame has no Aura set.

How to reproduce: Just turn on Azure Flame.
Describe The Issue: Icons for season and time in the minimap frequently break and default to showing day and spring, clicking them still displays the correct time and season however.

[Image: image.png]

How to Reproduce: To be honest this happens more often than not, it's rarer for it to be working properly than to be doing this and so I'm not sure what specifically causes it. If you just check the minimap right now it's likely you'll see this if my experience is anything to go off of. (which it seems to be, i have seen multiple people incorrectly think it is spring because of this)
Describe the Issue: Guild Balance doesn't show up.
How to reproduce: Press guild button. See a literal empty space.
Relevant Media:
[Image: j97YRMg.png]

Yeah I know barely anyone uses the daily salary system, but unlike other factions, we're not broke and pay our employees
please fix

By the way if you want to join, we offer Dental too
Describe the issue: Equippable items (possibly only weapon slot items) multiplying.

How to reproduce: I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea how exactly this is even reproduced, but in this latest example I had a hoe equipped and requipped my weapon, and it somehow created a copy of that same weapon. This happened to me another time before, a month or so ago, with a watering can, where it made another copy of the same watering can (arcanium watering can in particular).

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):

They're the exact same weapons, as you can see below:

[Image: w5uTRU.png]
Describe the issue
Ultrasmash still causes your camera randomly to be off centered, or it gets stuck on other people. (Only had it get stuck on someone else once, have not been able to replicate that) but almost every battle I've been in, Ultrasmash ends up glitching my camera making it so I can't see properly. Easy to fix manually though, just resize the game window and everything seems to snap back into place. (hard to do mid verb though)

Reproduce: Just use Ultrasmash often while in a RPB. I have had it happen 7 out of 8 battles when using private battle.
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