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The Good Word
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Have you heard the good word?

Many are speaking highly of a newly recruited Acolyte, none other than the son of the High Keeper Charlotte cos Gardios. Young, active and ambitious in the passage of spiritual scriptures. An announcement from the youth has been posted and advertised all around Osronan grounds.

[Image: icpost2.png]
"Hear me, children of Eos. It is an honor to introduce myself to you all as an Acolyte of The Faith. It is my duty to spread the tale and tenants of the watcher of our stars, so that we might all come to understand that which connects us all. My doors will not be shut to any, seek me at the deepest hours of the night. I am devout to my cause, you need only seek the everlasting light throughought the depths of night which has crept upon Esshar throughout these many centuries. Through his word can we set our hearts ablaze. The sun be my shephard, and I be yours."

Feel free to reach out on discord for a scene @ Rayne#9197 or seek Raffiel cos Gardios in game to be educated on the codes of Celestialism!
In light of word spreading of the reappearence of demonkind under the banner of the Tyrant, an announcement sounds across all of Esshar.


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The creatures of the night will always return to attack what morsels of peace and tranquility we have accomplished over the years. Time and time again, human-kind have directed their weapons towards one another, each of us victims of sin nature of a wide variety. Once again man shall seek to unite upon a common cause, but to no avail.. The only way is the way which has been written and told within the various Gospels, through the light of our stars and angels. I will become a beakon of light during these times of trial and tribulation, I will shephard those who have been lost in darkness, and spread forgiveness and genorosity in abundance. Beginning soon I will be hosting lessons on the fundamentals of the Holy Magi, any who would accept the word of the Codex as their way of life is welcome to come and repent, and learn. The time when this light is most neccesary to fight the darkness is nearing, and I shall spread this wealth with those who would have a seat at a table with my divine.
- Acolyte Raffiel


Raffiel cos Gardios will begin hosting Holy Lessons in the Celestial Church of Osrona!
First Session will be Thursday, 02/17/2022 @ 5:30 PM EST.
A reminder that this is being held today!
Be there or be square.
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Some time had passed, but again, the church bells would coil -- spreading an announcement about all of Esshar.

"I have taken some time to study abroad, advancing my techniques and arts. It is good to see you all again after a brief hiatus, however I notice the darkness has shown little sign of weakness in my absense. In the weeks to come I will be preaching the good word as I go, but more importantly I will be hosting a session honed towards more capable Holy Magi. The topic will be Purification. For those who have not yet learned to expel the darkness from an item or even a living being, now is the time for action. The beginning of efforts made to cleanse this realm, the right way."
- Deacon Raffiel


The young Deacon will be hosting a class on Purification Rituals on 03/03/2022 @ 5:30 PM EST.
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