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House Pelleaux - Starlight Scholars
[Image: 0Fvmzo8.jpg]
Take heed not to fall into the traps of undue ambition and foolishness. The true worth of a Pelleaux is seen in their ability to measure - to take the correct strides forward, and not a single inch more or less. Measure - that is the essence of our great house.

The House of Starlight

The great and noble family of Pelleaux is a clan of overseers, academics, and researchers housed within the highest echelons of Osrona's society. They are chiefly known to administrate the largest magical school located inside of the city, though their influence does not end there. In the halls of businesses, research conservatories, and the bureaucracy of the city, it is not uncommon to find a Bluecloak - a name commonly given by the masses to a graduated member of the family - striving to improve the work set out for them. 

Members of the Pelleaux household who are not part of the school are often incredibly sought after consultants and researchers, capable of lending their vast pool of learned knowledge to those who need it. Often, large businesses in the city will dedicate a significant sum of crowns from their budget to keep a single bluecloak on retainer, such is the value of their word. It is not uncommon for other places to request the presence of a Pelleaux for a short while; knightly orders that find themselves lagging behind, as well as various guilds in the city, often find themselves requesting the attention of the noble house to improve what they are doing.

The house itself is not without black rumors, however - it is an open secret that many of Pelleaux harbor a disdain for those without sufficient education or knowledge, regardless of whether the individual has the means to acquire it. There are hushed stories of a Pelleaux coming down into the lower districts to teach, only for a single individual to catch their ire - and a significantly more serious lesson being taught to all involved. Public works that Pelleaux often head can lead to additional friction - the destruction of tenements, and gentrification of several areas in Osrona, can be attributed to the inspiration of one from this house, much to the discontent of the poor who lived in those places.

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