JumpyDreadful Celebration
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There once lived a man and a woman who always wished for a child, but could not have one. These people lived deep in the swampy woods, their house not one of wealth but tranquility. Their garden splendid, filled with the most beautiful flowers and herbs. The scent of such, one day, attracted a visitor. Three knocks at the door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

As the couple opened the door they were greeted by an old lady bearing a smile.
"I came to introduce myself. I'm your new neighbor. It's a pleasure to meet you.", said the witch...

Deep within these woods most accursed a celebration of sorts takes place. From the crow's caw to the mouse's whisper word travels all across Esshar, reaching individuals who's identities remain shrouded to this day. An invitation. A grand ritual to take place in his name. His blessing to be bestowed upon the Twilight Coven in a form most unique. Witches and warlocks are all invited to greet them—

Monstrosities of the underworld.

Beneath the veil of darkness, deep within the Dreadwoods has the date been set.
One of his four rules invoked at last.
A ritual to remind the world of their existence.
A ritual for the damned.

Hel's infernal dance.

An event for those of the Twilight Coven in the Dreadwoods starting at 8pm EST on Thursday the 29th!
Outsiders may attend if they wish to risk their lives, but no rewards are planned for them.
[Image: unknown.png]

Celebrations Ruined

The Twilight Coven's gathering led to a terrifying experience for all of those who attended. From a massive tear in space itself leapt out a beast from Hel. A hound of magma and flames carrying the Dark Lord's scent with it. It tore apart many, uplifted the earth and burned many parts of the forest down in its great path of destruction, though it was ultimately felled through the efforts of many and a magnificent finishing blow from Ektu Grace leading the beast to explode from within with cosmic energies, splattering its remains upon the crowd as they departed from the inferno left behind.

A few things became clear on that night.

First, the Twilight Coven's plans were foiled by the unexpected resistance.
Second, the Twilight Coven is far, far from dead.

Who knows where they'll strike next?

Thank you for all of those who attended the event and a special thank you to Milly for helping me when the number of participants grew far, far larger than I had expected! Feel free to leave a review on my DM thread!
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