SimpleScarlet Agreement
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1844 A.C.

Word spreads throughout Esshar of an agreement reached by the people of Aesirheim and the Queen of Asphodel. The Jarl, Revna Rune, has sworn fealty to Queen Araceli Falkenrath, and signed a document which establishes the Vanirhallan settlement as a vassal state of Asphodel.

Copies of the treaty, known as the Scarlet Agreement, are dispatched throughout both territories.

The terms within are to be considered legally binding, and are to be followed to the letter. Any breach of these terms will result in imprisonment or, in rare circumstances, capital punishment.

I. From the year 1844 on, Aesirheim shall officially become a vassal of the Kingdom of Asphodel, a settlement under the monarch.

II. Aesirheim will be allowed a degree of self governance, but ultimately must defer to the Crown Law, as well as the sovereign authority of Asphodel's monarch. The Crown Law will become the standard, from siring to the more menial laws. The Jarl may stand as judge for disputes that are localized to Aesirheim, so long as it is not an infraction on a national level.

III. Aesirheim will be allowed to continue practicing their traditions and customs, as they do not inherently oppose the Crown Law.

IV. All citizens of Aesirheim shall officially become subjects of the Crown, with Araceli becoming their Queen.

V. The Jarl will provide the monarch with yearly updates in regards to the status of Aesirheim, and will be considered to have the same authority as a Viscount within the kingdom, but simply a governor. A noble in their own right.

VI. Citizens of Aesirheim and the Crimson Court will form a military together, as one, rather than two powers. Since it will only be one nation from here on.

VII. Future Jarls of Aesirheim must either be a ghoul or a vampire. Siring will need to be approved by the monarch as the Crown Law dictates.

VIII. The terms are subject to change, so long as both parties are in agreement and signatures are given.

Araceli Falkenrath - Queen of Asphodel
Revna Rune - Jarl of Aesirheim

Construction of naval ports has begun in both Asphodel and Aeiserheim in an attempt to bridge the settlements together. A naval route which shall be known as the Scarlet Road.
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