ry0un0sukeA Second Chance Article
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An article pins on various billboards, they rest on open tables, some tree trunks even convey the news.
1827AC, the Sixth Month
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 'For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.'
What does it mean to be kind unconditionally? When the enemy falls, we offer a hand? When a stranger is ill, we take them in? When wicked is afoot- do we forgive? I wrote an essay during my academy years about being kind to others, unconditionally. Kindness should be like the rising sun, unceremonious, expected from all. It requires no praise nor celebration. We should be kind to everyone, even if it's hard. I've seen evil and struggled with coping with its presence- Yet now, I've found a solution.
My name is Guinevere Falstaff.
I'm conducting research of an art mastered and traversed by many before me in end result though a practice I've not seen nor heard of. We've witnessed bits and pieces of it. Tens participated, hundreds saw life return after it was stolen. Nothing is impossible. Nothing is outside of our reach, we simply need to keep extending ourselves. I am not of the Essharn Celestial Church. I am not a woman solely rooted in faith. I'm a simple woman, a doctor, a researcher and someone who wants to understand and help.
 I want to help you all.
I'm calling for occultists, practicing, mastered. I'm calling for those plagued with addiction. I'm calling for those privy to violence. I'm calling for those who feel lost. I'm calling for those who are monsters or think they will become one. 
It is not an act of God or the heavens but, merely science and a study conducted myself of the very limits and possibilities of gemology. It is not a purging, but research to fully understand and assist with coping. It's an act of psychology and treatment for the effects of occult, addiction, violent thoughts and actions, feeling lost. Too many people have gotten hurt or worst. I've made a mistake and I will atone for it. I've viewed these people as monsters and I sincerely apologize for it. Should you have any interest or know someone who could be in need, please seek me out. I can be found within the Shimmering City, Osrona, or at my home-clinic within the Waystone Inn. The latter in which all studies and sessions will be conducted.
Esshar is far too dark and plagued.
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if interested in setting up a scene
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Weeks after the bloody battle for Silverwall Mines, several articles appear on billboards across Esshar.
1828AC, the Eleventh Month
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'As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.'
My research first began with a Dullahan, then an occultist, then a Nethradin. I approached those who I deemed as monsters incorrectly. Rather than paint them in my mind as beasts, they are patients who are sick-- Some inherently, others who were exposed to said sickness or chose to take it on willingly. Others had no choice. My following article will contain thorough detail reports of each whom I've the chance to work with. Before doing so, a much more pressing issue requires writing and attention. I've formed an opinion on the nature of humanity and our position as humans. There are far and few people who exist and truly bear a good heart and intentions. So little can remain centered in their convictions. I arrived to the Shimmering City in my early adolescences from the countryside and I have never once heard of an evil as great as what has transpired these past few weeks. 
Months ago, I proposed my research to Archmagi Amori ven Pelleaux. It is no secret that I attempt to give aid in my own methodology of 'cleansing' different to that of traditional exorcism. I wanted him to see what I could provide for occultist Isana Aertas. He wanted his daughter Aradne ven Pelleaux to marry a woman free of occult. He was weary at the time and then and there should I have realized some stones will be left unturned for his city and even children. I should have realized it.
Secondhand accounts of the bloody and sorrowful battle at Silverwall reached me over the weeks. It's hard for me to say if we are born innocent or evil. Are we as humans entering the world with low levels of evil? Are we exposed to it? Do we simply walk Eternia in a Hel of its own, like wayward souls? More than ever am I conflicted. So few exhibit a true good in their heart. Ever clear should it be that the once prestigious Shimmering City, the City of Magic that abandoned old ways of kingship is griped by vile pride and tyrannical rule. 
He is no King.
He is evil.
He is a murderer.
War is bloody, it's gruesome. But tell me why Archmagi Amori refused to lessen the blood spilled? Why did he let his son be killed? His Knights? Why does arrogance grip Osrona's leadership wholly? There's blood of children and loved ones on his hands. Osrona bathes in blood and then speaks of blessings of Gods and Primordials. Is this what the Gods want? Do the heavens smile upon your King as he splatters the brains of a young woman on the ground with his boot? Is this Kingly? Worthy of praise and gratification? All are compliant and allow evil to fester in once pristine walls. It's an evil that should be purged and removed-- Cleansed. My practices allow people to heal. Does the Church condone this behavior? 
Humanity seems evil by default.
Invaders of foreign countries bear more humanity than those who reside within. The rot and corruption of one's conviction has put us Essharns in the position we're in now. Our country mostly occupied and the very principles of what can separate us from proclaimed 'monsters in black' have since dissipated. Where is your faith at? All deserve a second chance, everyone. But can we see that Osrona no longer shimmers as brightly as a does? That a murderous blight seeks to tear down Osrona of everything it stands for? Even exorcists and holy magi can be just as wicked as the occultists they seek to purge. My great-great grandfather was an Osronan Knight and I implore you all to follow in his example. My only accounts exist in a small transcript I happened upon while in the once Shimmering City. Reform your home. Ground your beliefs. Do not pander false narratives further about a grace not present. Should any require counsel after the horrific events and loss of Xenia pyr Docro, Orain ven Pelleaux, and Asher Quinn, reach out to me. Healing is not done in one shot.
Leones Astra

1. Have a firm handshake
2. Look people in the eye when you speak to them
3. Sing, dance, embarrass yourself.
4. Do the former in the bath, if not in public.
5. Hit first, and hit hard.
6. Keep secrets.
7. Never give up.
8. Always accept true help.
9. Chin up and be brave, even if its fake. Nobody will be able to tell.
10. Choose the person you want to spend your life with carefully. It will be the answer to all your happiness or misery.
11. Do nice things.
12. Give a second chance, but never a third.
13. Be romantic.
14. Be positive and enthusiastic.
15. Relax! Nothing is as important as it seems.
16. Be a good loser.
17. Be a better winner.
18. Think before telling a friend a secret.
19. Never be the first to release a hug.
20. Be modest.
21. Beware those who have nothing to lose.
22. Have no regrets.
23. Be bold, and have courage.
24. Never waste the chance to tell someone you love and care about them.
25. Nobody can do everything alone.
26. Your attitude is your own. Don't let others choose it for you.
27. Always eat breakfast.
28. Take the scenic route.
29. Show respect for all, no matter their job or creed.
30. Send flowers. People love flowers.
31. Be someone's hero.
32. Marry for love.
33. Don't expect life to be fair.
34. Wave at small children.
35. Be yourself. Be happy.
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Flames consume the sky near Baleford Bridge. The House of Wonders burns along with several bodies. 
Another article issue circles about.

1829AC, the Third Month
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'Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.'
I've titled my articles 'A Second Chance' because it is something I believe wholly. People can change for the better, I believe this. Yet in my research and studies, I've discovered quite a few things. Presented information leaves me perplexed. Why is it that Geztelle ven Pelleaux chose Isana Aertas as a guard the day lives were lost and the House of Wonders lit aflame? Was it availability? Was it strength? Was even the long reigning Stellus of Osrona tempted by the prowess occultism can provide? Isana Aertas died an occultist. I can assume it's a matter of 'use your strength wisely' before being cleansed. Yet she is sick, her mind cracks and breaks. It is a fundamental part of occultism no matter her claims to me. I'm left to wonder whether or not her cleansing ever would have occurred or, if Osrona would push it off week by week, month by month, year by year. Power corrupts. It taints. Her second chance at life lived normal and free of sickness was squandered. Dallan Aegeus too was pulled from the dead and instead, a man of faith, a devout of the Primordial Eos would sooner exchange one child's life for another. Or an infamous man whose life I saved personally from Fireblooded sacrifice, Bodil Ulf, lying to my face about attack those dear, about being one of the 'Saint' men who bred chaos. 
Are we truly born evil? Do any exist that are worthy of a second chance? My stance is tested and tried over and over again. Every corner presents a new reason to think just maybe we aren't... But my resolve remains. Isana was given a second chance. Dallan was given a second chance. Bodil was given a second chance. We do not need to succumb to madness, to go on murderous sprees from grief, to lie and brew chaos. Brushes with death should invigorate the souls. Not a day afterwards should be taken for granted yet every breathe breeds something vile. Those of us who continue on our paths tend to stray. Something festers within the ranks of Knights. The Knight Cortado Pelleaux, husband of the High Priestess Valeria ven Pelleaux, I implore you to cease your stray. Greed latches to good hearted men. Power allures them. Don't put yourself in a position to require a second chance. The Shimmering City will quicker kill you, as of the echoes of Amori ven Pelleaux's long rule of Osrona. Roots run deep. 
My research of siphoning progresses nonetheless. Those tainted and evil, corrupted by occultism, driven mad by it or perhaps you know someone and the lust for power doesn't strike you. Should you bring them to me or allow me to work on you, I will be awarding thirty-thousand coin for the first to do so. Though hopefully, greed and gain don't solely guide your actions. Many ethical decisions made only benefit ourselves. Few act for the greater good of their neighbor or a stranger. Do know that my skills path towards the total removal of mind altering magics. May we all prosper and know kindness as the sun knows to rise and fall.
Leones Astra
24. Never waste the chance to tell someone you love and care about them.
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Earlier in the year, something foreign invigorated those of the east. An act of faith? The Machine has been pushed back. 
In war, there are casualties.
And casualties mean?
1830AC, the Twelfth Month
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'Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right.'
When the head of those who've wronged you roll from their shoulders, blood splattered across the ground and meant as a spectacle for all, is that justice? Or when they rot behind bars for the rest of their natural life, is that justice? I've grown more familiar with the iron city along the western boarders of the country. Life falls in the hands of authority massive and influential. It becomes so small and almost insignificant. I've not realized how easy it is for many to look at those who have committed wrong and see their life ended. Though, I've witnessed a chance given to one with actions who may have been considered rogue. I spoke with them personally and made my own attempts to ensure these wrongful actions will not be committed again.
With these articles, I make comparisons. Both Achyon and Osrona have captured my attention. Morals differ so greatly with a city stemming from imperial conquest and one built upon faith. Yet in that, I personally reached out to Stellus Rhesus DeLaurentis himself, a man of faith who soon bore none. After over a year of waiting for a response, he refused to meet with me. He believed something horrible would befall him. Why is that? I'm left to wonder where the faith in one who should bear it has gone. Have my actions been malicious in any way? Perhaps it was due to my own heated, emotional reaction to Radiant Teagan Alankrantz following the events of what I viewed to be one-hundred percent avoidable casualties. I've realized more than ever that judgement due to associations rather than actions run deep. Assumptions guide the thoughts of many rather than in-depth, thoughtful analysis. 
It must be the same with one's own interpersonal meaning for justice.
Unfortunately, I cannot comment on the happenings within Osrona and their own form of justice. I can only hope that mass executions do not take place and that the wrongs of Amori ven Pelleaux have been removed wholly. The Stellus busies himself with his work, I can only hope his hands are not idle and soon become the playthings of evil. Inaction and stagnation dooms us all. Justice cannot be served... But as a simple woman working as a doctor with no authority of her own, I'm left to wonder what justice truly is. There exists people who've wronged and hurt me. People who've lied to me and hurt those I love. Not once did it cross my mine to see them suffer. Is justice the turns of law and enforcement? Will it then involve death? Is our only form of justice the suffering of those who've done wrong? Reforming can be tricky.
Some people cannot be saved, as many have said to me. It's wrong to do nothing and to not lend a hand. A second chance can be a third, a fourth, a dozen. We shouldn't give up on others. My approach will differ. The ever busy Stellus can continue his work and I will continue mine and meet with those more cooperative. I truly hope that the Stars guide and invoke naught but just and good. Nonetheless, my work has reached a breakthrough. In due time, I will offer the full extent of my aid. Rumors circulate. Ignorance improves naught. As I've grown, my viewpoint of that black and white has shifted to various shades, we all exist in colors. It's ignorant to not understand and see the humanity in those seen as different. I think she should all first try to grasp onto aspects of them. I was born in a village of commonfolk not by choice. No one asks to be born under the circumstances they're in. 
Know that Achyon is not free from any scrutiny. In due time will I give my thorough view on the morals I've witnessed throughout the Barsburgian stronghold.
Leones Astra
29. Show respect for all, no matter their job or creed.
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War between east and west calm down.
Yet in the space in between, chaos brews.
1832AC, the Fourth Month
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'Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.'
How can the value of human life be measured? Is there a scale of worth? I find myself wondering how others weigh and value life. I've recently participated in an inhumane auction of someone's life with a 'bid' starting at fifty-thousand coin. Is that how much humans are worth? A baseline price of fifty-thousand coin? I find it better than outright murder but a lesser evil is still not evil. I played into an evil to save another's life but did not succeed personally. War breeds a cycle of misunderstanding and stereotypes. We dig motes around ourselves that become rivers, lakes, and oceans. We alienate those who we cannot agree with. When surrounded by nothing but affirmation is when stagnation occurs. Ideas that are never challenged do not improve. No matter one's creed, origins, uniform, at the end of the day, we're all human.
Even those we believe to be monsters.
Article topics have been difficult to write on. So much occurs then I weigh its value for publication. Justice? Life? Death? The past few months have both celebrations and mourning. For some, the two can tie into the same occurrence. Celebrating death, basking in acts of justice, revenge. Murder in self-defense is murder. Murder for duty is murder. Murder for pleasure is murder. I am surrounded by those who've had their hands in killing. Far too few do we celebrate life. When is the last time you've reveled in one's existence and not in the downfall of another?
Someone I did not love has recently died. She was murdered. The specifics allude me but the tale drifts throughout the streets of Achyon in hushed murmurs. Even though I bear no love for a woman with a visage like a monster and aura much the same- Even though she hurt me and others I know, I didn't hate her. I don't hate Edingel Sinaldine. I do not celebrate her death and I feel a pain in my chest knowing she was killed. Once, someone told me my want for those to not die is ignorance. After telling me that, I heard weeks later that he was killed by a rogue Achyon soldier, Vitus. Months later, that same soldier, a friend of mine and last piece of someone dear, was killed. I walked past his killer before preparing my article draft. Dimitri Asimov killed him. Killing infects us and runs rampant like a viral disease.
The specifics allude me but death is not the sole option. Reformation can occur. We can help those who've wronged heal and get better. Culling humanity doesn't promote any goodness. Threats of death can be effective but the thoughts of wrongdoing will remain. Compared to many, my views are an outlier. I don't believe forced faith or forced labor can change others. Those are blankets, band-aids for cracked glass. True reform comes from the self and is nurtured. Revenge will always stain one's view in red.
Yet, we're human. At our core, we're flawed.
Admit your flaws.
Leones Astra
33. Don't expect life to be fair.
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