ShadovarnThe Created Progeny
Your father, Trik Gutterrunner
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BloodMeleeFleshcraftingBlue Mercury addict

Quote:Trik Gutterrunner is a coward. Like many of the Razuka, he spent his youth in the sewers below Osrona, only coming to prominence after the rise and ascension of the Family under the guiding hand of Walter Docro. Addled by his constant intake of toxic metals, Trik is a deranged and degenerate specimen of the Razuka race.
Your mother, Anira Cog
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Quote:Anira is the foul-tempered yet surprisingly lucid human turned beastkin by a carnal potion. Currently she is The Authority’s Lieutenant and tends to do most of the paperwork which Misha prefers to avoid. Though once a rage-head, nowadays she is usually scene with a bit of gold dust on her upper lip, having taken to her mother-figure’s vice of sylvanum. Her dedication to duty is next to none, and she holds a constant air of displeasure about her.

What to know and expect as the misbegotten creature that you are.
·        You were created in a vat in the sewers using fur samples of your ‘mother’ and ‘father’, in the quest to create the perfect child.
·        You are horrendously imperfect, which is exactly what they love.
·        Your entire diet in said vat consisted of rage and carnal potions, blue mercury and stir fry.
·        Your mom taught you how to smoke and do hard drugs at the tender age of seven.
·        Your father keeps trying to sew extra limbs on so you can “kill-kill Tera-things better”.
·        You have never told your parents you love them. Only that you do not hate them.
·        Once, as a joke, your mother came home with a sewer rat, proclaiming it to be your new brother. You promptly drowned it outside of Trik’s workshop. Trik cried tears of joy.
·        You are the seventh one made in such a way. Not that you have any living brothers or sisters, but that the others were promptly killed for a long list of flaws that displeased the pair.
·        You are beaten every day by your mother.
·        Your food is poisoned on the regular by your father.
·        Misha is probably the only thing you have ever known as a warm family figure and it terrifies you.
·        You’ve never been referred to as “son” or “daughter” by Anira, nor even given a name by either of them, only referred to as ‘Seven’.
·        In short, you are not even considered a real person by either of your assumed parents. Anira sees you as an experiment by Trik and thus credits any of your successes to him. Trik is… Trik.
·        You are, technically, a Razuka.

This will be playable after the time skip. Your life will probably be short, brutal, and unforgiving. There is no hope for relics or uniques being passed down. Only the insanity that comes with being in proximity of those of the Family.
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