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War Incentives and Land Claims.
War Incentives and Land Claims.

Personally I think the thing that makes the RP stagnate is the fact that there's no incentive for winning wars aside from killing renown beloved characters,
or taking a city to idle inside of - it makes the underdog, fighting under the foot of whatever darkness is besieging the land, far less interesting; because where it's a fight for survival, there's no glimmer of hope outside of the administration pitying them hiddens for their effort - yet against those that already have said hiddens, it rarely shifts the tides of battle.

What I recommend for Eternia 3.75 are actual points across the land that could be used for sieges or battle; adding both discovery, reward, interest and conflict to a game that has a hard time organically finding it, while also injecting old lore and achievements/failures into a world that needs it to thrive.

My recommendation for these places is as follows: Locations, with unique sprites and perks, that players can aggressively do battle and push for to receive said perks - if two different groups of devout faith, with different interpretations on their religion, could do battle for said ground as the one true religion, to claim said grounds blessing. Denizens of Darkness could vie for the perks of their particular land, leading to conflicts between Witches and Occultists that may not normally happen.

Said locations should be ruins of what players have already built; and I have a few examples for such written up. I believe it's a very organic way to minimize the need for applications, while increasing player engagement beyond the rinse and repeat sieges on existing cities; micro factions can hold these lands, and stand a chance against large scale raids, thanks to the perks given that other players can't normally receive without exceptional applications of development or event chains that truly matter.
Two examples, both on the Light and Dark scales of morality for now:

[Image: 0a20bd3b3f3aed92704f1e12ce94b47a.jpg]

The Church Ruins.

Where once a church stood as the Kings Guard now lingers as ruins, their Holy Might broken down and subdued in the face of countless days of opposition, and the fall of their beloved king. Where power once was scattered in its destruction, the lingering dredges of their hopes still remain.
Remnants of an Angel's statue resides within these begotten ruins, and that glow acts as a reminder for all who bask in its glory; a better world waiting, should one wish to find it.


  1. - Allows the perk of 'Blessing' who those who holds the ruins; empowering a denizen with the light of hope, passed from the statue by a priest of its highest order.
  • - Restoration of the cathedral and its ruined state - either through an event chain, or copious amounts of dev, the rebuilding of the temple itself can lead to the perk 'Titan of Light' for said factions best, given the development is put through by those who truly stand for what it means.
  • - If a city is built around the church ruins +5 Light Power to skirmishes that take place within its territory.
[Image: 171b639c8fc78bd73084df3762a683bd.jpg]
The Desert Ruins.

Where once had leaders struggled to contain an overflow of darkness, it now permeates from the shattered remains of a buried entry point to Helheim. The blood of slaves, spilled onto the sands, were corrupted by the remains of this gate, and left unchecked a curse spread; overflowing spirits of vengeance to the desert winds, allowing for the overflow of Occultism unchecked by those who knew not of its existence.
The ruins offer power at the sake of sanity for those who wish to find it, and taken on the burden of pain of the spirits that roam these unclaimed ruins.


  • - The blood stained sands now hold the whispers of vengeance, and for those who claim these lands - they can call on the 'Deserts Fury' to act at their side.
  • - Restoration of the ruins and reclamation of the buried - either through an event chain, or copious amounts of dev, the rebuilding of the facility can lead to the perk 'Dark Guardian' for said factions best, given the development is put through by those who truly stand for what it means.
  • - If a city is built around the desert ruins +5 Dark Power to skirmishes that take place within its territory.
These are situation that truly did happen in the context of E3.5, and could be developed out - instead of large city X that people idle inside of, you have small ruin A that people can flock to for whatever fits their fancy - a middle ground, between what we had in Spires and what we had in Eternia: Prologue, rather than this weird extreme that we have now that doesn't feel like a natural progression of either of the two games. Allowing players to claim these ruins around the map adds to the sense of discovery, creates organic RP, ties into the Dungeon's that Chance has been trying to get going through E1, and makes that rise and fall of Empires that made Spires so fun possible again, without letting a group of ten players randomly spawn on in as a flavor of the month.

There are a lot of other ruins that I can foresee happening too, based on what players have done in the past!
A Cosmic Ruin risen from the ground with the use of a Chiron Star in the highest corner of the map, that allows for Cosmic based hiddens and dev.
A Grove in Myllenoris that can heal perms and temps, that allows for Nature based hiddens and dev.
A Dragon's Temple and its remains that allows for the Fire-blooded blessing, and fire based hiddens.
The remains of a Demon Tower buried beneath the earth that allows for more Occult based hiddens and development.
A crashed airship of the Barsburg empire, that allows for the development of unique guns and metal/lightning based hiddens.
An ocean temple, that allows for the development of tidal relics and water based magics.

World Building is critical to a game like this, integral to keep it from being a battle royale; it's a roleplay game, at its heart, and giving players the opportunity to craft their own unique lore and story around preexisting landmarks with huge boons or benefits unique to their progression creates incentive for more fun and personal RP. A system like this allows for the settlements and factions that spawn to still be lore friendly to the world, while not being restricted in playing a part in a settlement they may not currently like. Micro-Factions will always be the key to this game, but Guild's will never work within city walls due to having /nothing/ to do on their own merits - people will argue this point, sure, but I can't point to one true in-wall guild from Osrona that truly gripped the player base.

With that as well, I think instanced locations would be nice too - a pseudo-instanced location like Nostvale would be incredibly nice, cutting the map off to give more personalized RP and keep random Uber's or groups from running in to start trouble without true consequences to their actions, or at least potential consequences; what I would recommend here is for, along with the two cities recommended and the current idea I have for lingering ruins listened above, is to add area's outside of city walls; micro settlements of families, akin to something like Winterfell from Game of Thrones, to exist across the map. With the return of House Grimmoire I could see three particular instances for this:

House Grimmore and their extensive hold of old world knowledge, in a fort past the ruins of Osrona.
The Necromancers Spire - a base where the Necromancers mentioned hole up in the farthest reach of the continent.
The Pirates Cove - a naval base hidden away in the rocky sea, equipped with a ship that they use as the acting base of operations.

So in total:
Two Cities, as mentioned before.
Three Micro-Settlements based on varying degrees of morality based antagonism.
Eight structures across the map for the five existing settlements to fight for, or new factions to take claim of.
The Dungeons that Chance has mentioned so far.

I will always love the game, and won't say whether or not I believe this time skip is necessary - constructive criticism is needed moving forward to develop it into a worthwhile experience for us all; with alternatives on the horizon, several in fact, people need to look towards what's best for the game rather than what's best for the moment - there's a reason that the story keeps stagnating, that we keep feeling unfulfilled, why it doesn't feel the same, and why compared to its previous counterparts we can't keep the game going for more than five months at a time. We need a base that doesn't need a time-skip ever - we need something that we can develop rich, meaningful lore that we can all look back on and smile about.
Eternia 3 has seen some of the greatest characters we've had to date - some of the most well written and crafted minds that other iterations would have been blessed to see.
But we need for the game to let them flourish more freely rather than be constricted to only the conflict at hand.

Thanks for reading my dumb effort post, have a pleasant day.
I like this idea a lot, seems a bit similar to my strategic map suggestion, just more lore based. I'd personally love to see a blend of the two.

However, I think that the 'instanced areas', while an interesting idea, would probably divide the playerbase a bit more, and we may not want that.
I don't think Instancing is in and of itself a terrible idea. However, the way I would do it is slice the map into two regions, perhaps just expand that river a bit and knock out the bridge.

Then to get across to the other region, you use a boatman, with 24 hour cool down between crossings. Because as is, the world feels too small. It's trivial to walk to every major settlement in an hour or so.
[Image: UNQaFNU.png]

we made that in br server. its a nice idea.

how it worked:

On Fridays a form for registering your character will be released as A POSSIBLE CANDIDATE for combat - this form is only a declaration of interest, it does not mean that you will be called. However, if you are called and give up afterwards, your character will suffer the consequences of being absent on a military call. You need to be part of the army (or at least be an affiliate) to participate!

During the weekend, usually on Sundays, the leaders of the nations will meet with the high-ranking posts of their respective armies (or whomever they deem to be extremely important) to decide where they will deploy their troops. Each troop (a character) has an investment of 500 coins, taken from the Guild Bank. It is only possible to allocate troops to neutral/opposing territories adjacent to those in your domain.

By consulting the players to find the best possible date, the administrators will arrange a scene with ALL the players who attack the same territory. If the Canate sent three members to a territory and Osrona only one, Osrona's character will be alone against three enemies. Any character can "abandon" the territory and take no risk of fighting an impossible fight, however, it will be an automatic conquest by the enemy faction. That is, it is very likely that this single character of Osrona will flee from the three Anzai, who will conquer the territory without any difficulty. Alternatively, the empire warrior can try his luck against the three.

ANY DECISION IS COMPLETELY IC. If the leader of the faction sent a RPL 120 to a territory that the enemy faction sent a 200, it is the fault of the leader's poor planning, which will lose said territory easily, since the character will flee, having in mind that it is impossible to win against such strength.

Each conquered territory has its weekly bonuses. They are given every Friday. The bonuses are:

(what you proposed)
(09-01-2020, 05:29 AM)Not Kt Wrote:
War Incentives and Land Claims.

Personally I think the thing that makes the RP stagnate is the fact that there's no incentive for winning wars aside from killing renown beloved characters,
or taking a city to idle inside of - it makes the underdog, fighting under the foot of whatever darkness is besieging the land, far less interesting; because where it's a fight for survival, there's no glimmer of hope outside of the administration pitying them hiddens for their effort - yet against those that already have said hiddens, it rarely shifts the tides of battle.

What I recommend for Eternia 3.75 are actual points across the land that could be used for sieges or battle; adding both discovery, reward, interest and conflict to a game that has a hard time organically finding it, while also injecting old lore and achievements/failures into a world that needs it to thrive.

My recommendation for these places is as follows: Locations, with unique sprites and perks, that players can aggressively do battle and push for to receive said perks - if two different groups of devout faith, with different interpretations on their religion, could do battle for said ground as the one true religion, to claim said grounds blessing. Denizens of Darkness could vie for the perks of their particular land, leading to conflicts between Witches and Occultists that may not normally happen.

Said locations should be ruins of what players have already built; and I have a few examples for such written up. I believe it's a very organic way to minimize the need for applications, while increasing player engagement beyond the rinse and repeat sieges on existing cities; micro factions can hold these lands, and stand a chance against large scale raids, thanks to the perks given that other players can't normally receive without exceptional applications of development or event chains that truly matter.
Two examples, both on the Light and Dark scales of morality for now:

[Image: 0a20bd3b3f3aed92704f1e12ce94b47a.jpg]

The Church Ruins.

Where once a church stood as the Kings Guard now lingers as ruins, their Holy Might broken down and subdued in the face of countless days of opposition, and the fall of their beloved king. Where power once was scattered in its destruction, the lingering dredges of their hopes still remain.
Remnants of an Angel's statue resides within these begotten ruins, and that glow acts as a reminder for all who bask in its glory; a better world waiting, should one wish to find it.


  1. - Allows the perk of 'Blessing' who those who holds the ruins; empowering a denizen with the light of hope, passed from the statue by a priest of its highest order.
  • - Restoration of the cathedral and its ruined state - either through an event chain, or copious amounts of dev, the rebuilding of the temple itself can lead to the perk 'Titan of Light' for said factions best, given the development is put through by those who truly stand for what it means.
  • - If a city is built around the church ruins +5 Light Power to skirmishes that take place within its territory.
[Image: 171b639c8fc78bd73084df3762a683bd.jpg]
The Desert Ruins.

Where once had leaders struggled to contain an overflow of darkness, it now permeates from the shattered remains of a buried entry point to Helheim. The blood of slaves, spilled onto the sands, were corrupted by the remains of this gate, and left unchecked a curse spread; overflowing spirits of vengeance to the desert winds, allowing for the overflow of Occultism unchecked by those who knew not of its existence.
The ruins offer power at the sake of sanity for those who wish to find it, and taken on the burden of pain of the spirits that roam these unclaimed ruins.


  • - The blood stained sands now hold the whispers of vengeance, and for those who claim these lands - they can call on the 'Deserts Fury' to act at their side.
  • - Restoration of the ruins and reclamation of the buried - either through an event chain, or copious amounts of dev, the rebuilding of the facility can lead to the perk 'Dark Guardian' for said factions best, given the development is put through by those who truly stand for what it means.
  • - If a city is built around the desert ruins +5 Dark Power to skirmishes that take place within its territory.
These are situation that truly did happen in the context of E3.5, and could be developed out - instead of large city X that people idle inside of, you have small ruin A that people can flock to for whatever fits their fancy - a middle ground, between what we had in Spires and what we had in Eternia: Prologue, rather than this weird extreme that we have now that doesn't feel like a natural progression of either of the two games. Allowing players to claim these ruins around the map adds to the sense of discovery, creates organic RP, ties into the Dungeon's that Chance has been trying to get going through E1, and makes that rise and fall of Empires that made Spires so fun possible again, without letting a group of ten players randomly spawn on in as a flavor of the month.

There are a lot of other ruins that I can foresee happening too, based on what players have done in the past!
A Cosmic Ruin risen from the ground with the use of a Chiron Star in the highest corner of the map, that allows for Cosmic based hiddens and dev.
A Grove in Myllenoris that can heal perms and temps, that allows for Nature based hiddens and dev.
A Dragon's Temple and its remains that allows for the Fire-blooded blessing, and fire based hiddens.
The remains of a Demon Tower buried beneath the earth that allows for more Occult based hiddens and development.
A crashed airship of the Barsburg empire, that allows for the development of unique guns and metal/lightning based hiddens.
An ocean temple, that allows for the development of tidal relics and water based magics.

World Building is critical to a game like this, integral to keep it from being a battle royale; it's a roleplay game, at its heart, and giving players the opportunity to craft their own unique lore and story around preexisting landmarks with huge boons or benefits unique to their progression creates incentive for more fun and personal RP. A system like this allows for the settlements and factions that spawn to still be lore friendly to the world, while not being restricted in playing a part in a settlement they may not currently like. Micro-Factions will always be the key to this game, but Guild's will never work within city walls due to having /nothing/ to do on their own merits - people will argue this point, sure, but I can't point to one true in-wall guild from Osrona that truly gripped the player base.

With that as well, I think instanced locations would be nice too - a pseudo-instanced location like Nostvale would be incredibly nice, cutting the map off to give more personalized RP and keep random Uber's or groups from running in to start trouble without true consequences to their actions, or at least potential consequences; what I would recommend here is for, along with the two cities recommended and the current idea I have for lingering ruins listened above, is to add area's outside of city walls; micro settlements of families, akin to something like Winterfell from Game of Thrones, to exist across the map. With the return of House Grimmoire I could see three particular instances for this:

House Grimmore and their extensive hold of old world knowledge, in a fort past the ruins of Osrona.
The Necromancers Spire - a base where the Necromancers mentioned hole up in the farthest reach of the continent.
The Pirates Cove - a naval base hidden away in the rocky sea, equipped with a ship that they use as the acting base of operations.

So in total:
Two Cities, as mentioned before.
Three Micro-Settlements based on varying degrees of morality based antagonism.
Eight structures across the map for the five existing settlements to fight for, or new factions to take claim of.
The Dungeons that Chance has mentioned so far.

I will always love the game, and won't say whether or not I believe this time skip is necessary - constructive criticism is needed moving forward to develop it into a worthwhile experience for us all; with alternatives on the horizon, several in fact, people need to look towards what's best for the game rather than what's best for the moment - there's a reason that the story keeps stagnating, that we keep feeling unfulfilled, why it doesn't feel the same, and why compared to its previous counterparts we can't keep the game going for more than five months at a time. We need a base that doesn't need a time-skip ever - we need something that we can develop rich, meaningful lore that we can all look back on and smile about.
Eternia 3 has seen some of the greatest characters we've had to date - some of the most well written and crafted minds that other iterations would have been blessed to see.
But we need for the game to let them flourish more freely rather than be constricted to only the conflict at hand.

Thanks for reading my dumb effort post, have a pleasant day.

(09-01-2020, 05:33 AM)Theori Wrote: I like this idea a lot, seems a bit similar to my strategic map suggestion, just more lore based. I'd personally love to see a blend of the two.

However, I think that the 'instanced areas', while an interesting idea, would probably divide the playerbase a bit more, and we may not want that.

Yes like famous Guild Wars: Factions. Which provided war for Guilds controlling towns.
definitely will have something like this feature in a more polished raid/territory guide, as well as a list of territory claims that's updated and specifically like you touch on we could link it to the planned event arcs - taking over a region grants you an expedition into a particular dungeon, or alternatively resources. i'm very into it and would love for you to help hash it out into a guide!

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