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Entry 9
Hello, diary. Mariaan here. It's been about... hmm... a year since I got out of jail? Amazing!
Not many children get locked up in jail like I do. Any that do certainly don't come out children. I guess I feel the same way... things can't ever go back to the way they were before. Everybody looks at me differently, everyone judges my word as less valuable. It's fortunate that Queen Nebula decided to give me a nice job and position, but nowadays nobody even wants couriers from Osrona! Because the last one turned into the Queen. Haha! I wonder if I'll ever become a queen.

Sometimes I wonder if I ever got out. Especially since I met this crazy bag cat person, I've been having a lot of thoughts like that. Not as stupid as hers, but...

What if I've just been dreaming this whole time?

It makes sense that I'm still asleep.

If I was awake, I'd be free to act how I wanted

Entry 10
It's been hard- real hard. Trying to keep everybody happy, to not do anything stupid. Don't do this, don't do that... sometimes I feel like all my personality's spiraling down the drain like rainwater.

Everybody says they like me... but everybody wants me to be different. Oh well. Today I found my solution.
It's.. music! I've found that a little bit of song really helps calm me down. Like dumping dirt on a fire. It's great. My own sound magic is really helpful there! I just put a little chant in my head and go about my day. Just like that, all violent tenancies are gone!

Makes it a little hard to hear people, but whatever. Now Lloyd can be happy with me for once!
Entry 14
In jail again, after attempting to murder Lloyd-- I wasn't going to murder him. I was just going to teach him a lesson.

It was unbelievable. His audacity, his nerve... after everything he did to me!
Permanently damaged, locked away in a cell... the man stole my youth. But I forgive him because I think it's cute that he wants to be a big brother. I can be a little sister too maybe?

They've been gentle! Church watch for now! I'll need to shape up and mature, to reinforce this enchantment that saved my life in the first place...

Imagine if I'd actually killed him! Hahaha! No, that would have been awful.

Entry 15
It came to me in a dream, but more vivid than usual. Sometimes I get inspiration for potions in my thoughts...

This was different. This was bordering on divine enlightenment!

I stood before a cauldron at the throat of the world, with fire below me and lightning crackling above. In my hands were ingredients I had never seen, creating a potion that I had never heard of...

But I knew what it was instinctively. I know what it will be. The greatest potion of the century. The hallmark that will land me on the list of greatest alchemists to ever live.

I will craft the brew to speak the language of the earth itself.

... and that is not to be mistaken with simple nature magic! Ha! No, this is far more profound. I will listen to the earth, and it will tell me secrets. I will whisper to the trees, and they will part sideways. I shall speak to the rain and it will form a door for me to step through.

Kraus Eternia created all things on earth with purpose- and if there are any that he did not, that means I must only dig deeper to discover them.

Entry 18

Osrona has burned! This is no surprise. I've decided to move to Theria for the moment and continue working on my potion. Though I failed to obtain a witch heart, I know that it is -vital- to my efforts... Dun Task's visit through the eight spirit realms has proven a very useful key.

Scholars understand that the mortal and physical are linked, but they cannot begin to imagine how entwined they are like I can. Again, it comes in dreams...

Or are they something more sinister?

It doesn't matter. My hunt for the greatest potion continues.
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