VolatileTerror of the Night Skies
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The Shadow Devil of Messaris

Since the return of Demonkind to Esshar, a certain bat Demon has been making itself rather infamous among Osrona. Appearing in the dead of night, sometimes invisible to prey upon the Knights of the Order and their supporters. It seems to appear mainly at night. Covered in silver hairs with glowing, blood red-eyes! Shadow Magic seems to be the magic it is most likely to use. Being skilled enough in the profane Occult arts to be able to weaponize the Night itself.

Due to the frequency of attacks, it is concerning whether it's a pack of Demons attacking, or just one bold monstrosity 

Below is a list of encounters with this Demon, reported by the citizenry.
  1. Ye' I saw tha' fiend. Blasted thang was fightin' a fox girl knight. And some nobleman.--- A boar hunter.
  2. The bat was seen attacking a certain holy user, Nikolaos just outside the Church, in the graveyard. It was banished back by his holy light. --Reported by the Gravekeeper
  3. Being spotted attacking in the city near the park, the bat went through a number of warriors. Defeating and capturing Darroth, defeating the Red Wolf, And defeating Maria Masters and Ashe Lieyan. Finally being defeated and repelled by Andrew Mercia --- A nearby guard who attempted to shoot the bat down with their bow.
  4. Atlas was targeted by the bat. It claimed vengeance! It was big and scary and almost flew off with him! Luckily Lady Marisol Altin was there to save Atlas and scare the bat off!--- A young teenaged girls account from when she was shopping in the Market.
  5. It attempted to kill young Magnus right in the streets! But Champloo stepped in and distracted the beast. Both were defeated. But they both got away due to the rising sun, I bet!---A shop keeper.
  6. I was walking from Sudbury to Messaris when I saw the damned thing fly by attacking some girly looking dragon-boy and another equally girly cat. --- Some buff thug
  7. It along with another Demon with glowing-red eyes and looked who looked like a girl attacked my neighbors, Agni and Alessa! Agni got hurt, but Alessa didn't. Thank the Stars, she was pregnant! ---A concerned old woman from down the street.

One thing is made certain by these reports. It is not safe to travel Sudbury or Messaris at night. The bat is always watching... though seems to only target Magi. If you are a magi traveling the city outside the walls. Be on your guard. And go with friends.

(OOC: If you would like to set up a scene to fight the bat demon. Please DM me, Lady Volatile#6600 on Discord. Also, if I missed a fight that happened in or around Osrona in my list. Feel free to post it here!)
My discord is Vi#6600
The bat devil was once more seen striking out at Humans, this time, in the attempted grand theft of one of the Order's naval ships.

Quote:The bloody thing took down Caelus Lunaris! If my arrow didn't shoot it in the back in time, it probably would've eaten him! Someone needs to find this fiend and put it down.--- A city-watchmen archer.
My discord is Vi#6600
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