B0b_J3ffers0nBob's PROFILES?!

Yeah, you! Do you have:
A) Immense chad energy that cannot be contested,
B) A hunger for profiles that cannot be overlooked,

Then boy do I have an offer for you. That's right, you individually, mystical individual I've never met before! It's a simple trade offer. An offer that cannot be refused... Well, unless I'm busy, in which case I will probably get back to you! EVENTUALLY! Maybe? Probably!

Anyways, point is, I, Bob Jefferson, the mystical NOBODY of Eternia...
Am offering profiles to those that may or may not want them.

What I won't ask you for:
- Money.
- Any form of monetary gain.
- Any form of compensation in general to be honest...

What I will ask you for:
- Friendship.
- A referral to your friends.
- Some of your time.
- Your soul

But hey, you may be asking...
'But Bob, why would I ever accept such an offer if I've never seen your work before?!' Well, to that I say... Stop stealing my fucking job bro! Let me do the talking!

... But, you are right! And so, here are a mix of profiles I made when screwing around, and some that I've used in the past. These are the kinds of profiles you can expect, if I get around to making them!

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: coraline.jpg?width=1168&height=657]

[Image: unknown.png?width=1168&height=657]

[Image: experimenting.png?width=1168&height=657]

This, and more, could be your's for just the low low fee of, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
The only thing I ask of you when sending a request for a profile, is for you to give me a general idea of your character's personality.
We're in buisness, my friend.

Contact info: Lilin's Architect#1521
Availability may vary. Please be patient.
Thank you for your time!
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