MillyTurbulence At the Waystone!
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Directly out of the Waystone, something fractured and cracked under decades of weight.

Some could have seen the signs coming, while for some it came out of no where.
Rumors abound from the Market however, as claims that the Herald of Naysien struck at a teenage girl, Juno, for reasons unknown.
However further word of mouth reaches out to confirm Acedia stepped in to assist and they managed to press back the Drakanite in a bloody display.

Winds threatened the sanctity and safety of the Bazaar, with wood creaking under the turbulent gusts, and several non-magi fleeing in terror.
It was a gruesome display, with the Herald proclaiming he'd offer them to Naysien as a fine sacrifice.

Yet, fortunately, he was driven back.
Some say he retreated to the mountain, bleeding and babbling in an ancient draconic tongue.

Whatever the truth is to these rumors, one thing is for sure: Juno and Acedia saved the day.

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For now.
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