Character: Idola
Which Event: "Honey, I ate the Easter Bunny!"
Responsiveness: To my experiences the narrates were at a good pace, without sacrificing quality. That being said, we did go far over schedule for the time, but it's all good!
Balance: The earlier battles were pretty easy! Even if I didn't look at my health and almost apparently died. But the Easter Bunny was an utter menace, and I loved every second of it. Lastly, the gluttonous witch was a delight to fight against. Even if I OOM'd.
Also Ent broke Idola's ribs in a trap.
Storytelling: It's like a fairytale! But it became, like, really dark. Dead children. Hansel and Gretel stuff. Loved it. Also I got to toss a poisoned cake at a bunny and it fucking worked, decreasing its max HP with 10%.
Either way, the buildup was awesome! From a nice old lady offering cake, to an ent with a dead child in its maw, to a bunny with (i think) mana absorb fluffed as hunger, to straight-up gluttony to cap it off. 10/10 would get tempted to almost eat poison cake again
Fairness: I came in to replace someone late, so I wasn't expecting any items, but I still got some cute bunny ears and a slice of poisoned cake. The others got cool things too, like ACTUALLY becoming a lapine, gloves with stats, and literal easter eggs from arcanium.
Overall: I liked this event. Like, alot. It took quite a while, but it was sweet! And grotesque with all the dead children.
Not nightmare-inducing at all, I swear.
Overall: 8/10!
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