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Event Preferences: Any so long as they can grab my interest / imagination. Usually I'd think they do.

Other Notes: If it's HCOD, I'm probably ganna make you sweat.

Are you currently running events, and if so, are you considering player requested events?: Yes.
Discord # or best means of contact: Vyndakator#3189
[Image: TwoSigs.png][Image: unknown.png]
Event: Return of the Jotunn
Difficulty: HCoD (Chiron)

An 11 hour event with the addition of new lore, 5 unique and interesting bosses, 6 rewards for four people and over 100vit lost in perms across a four man team..

As the first event they've ever ran?

Man's was IN HIS BAG

Character: Andriel, The Celestial Magus!
Which Event: Return of The Jotunn

Responsiveness: 10/10 For generating lore and simply providing us with a beautiful description of every boss we saw, every trap that smacked Andriel, everything was brought to life and left your imagination running wild! I enjoyed it since they were on point and came out as quickly as the dude could type!
Balance: 10/10 For a chiron gathering? It seemed to get more difficult as we got farther into the story. Particularly that Giant towards the end. Overall, not bad for a four-man team pursuing a chiron. Hehehe, even if I challenged the EC and got my ass kicked. IT WAS POG!
Storytelling: 10/10 The storyline was superb. I loved it since I had never heard of the lore of the giants and Vanirhallan before, so just experiencing that made me enjoy myself much more. What the fuck is going to happen next?!?!? Feeling.
Fairness: 10/10 The man got his Chiron, I got my pants. What else can I say? Mission accomplished.

Overall: 10/10 

Any other comments: I'd love to go on another event with Vyn, especially since this is his first event and he got a Chiron one? In my perspective, he did incredibly well, and I would definitely recommend him to others! Continue to be a fantastic king. 

Hehehe, The Golem made me kneel at the end that was the best part for me.
Character: Minami
Event: The distorted castle
Difficulty: CoD
Responsiveness: 10/10 Things didn't take too long and every narrate was fun to read.
Balance: 10/10 Punishing if you weren't careful yet over all very fun. Had to be extremely careful.
Fairness: 10/10 Got to see some new things I didn't even know existed in the game. The items were given and over all I look forward to the follow up event.
Overall: 10/10 
Character: Fiora Dayndros

Event: The distorted castle

Difficulty: CoD

Responsiveness: 10/10 Everything was posted within a fair time-frame, considering the quality and amount of effort he put in each narrate. Dedicated!!!

Balance: 10/10 Very fairly balanced. Its a CoD afterwards.  But holy shit did I get slammed hard. Really fun though and the injuries, including my perm are really cute and fun to read, also great dev. Awesome!!

Fairness: 10/10 Perfectly fair, considering the risk and the rewards we got!

Overall: 10/10 First event dmed by him that I attended and I had a really great time!! But holy does he MAKE YOU SWEAT!!!
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]
Character: Willowtalon
Event: The Distorted Castle
Difficulty: CoD
Responsiveness: 10/10 Though there was some delays, the responses were well written and generate a vast atmosphere to the environment around us great reads all around!
Balance: 9/10 Balancing can be extremely difficult during this things from what I've noticed but nothing was extremely overwhelming and each fight felt like there was a degree of danger while still being manageable very well played all around was a lot of fun!
Fairness: 10/10 Risk|Reward factors felt extreme fair, the fights were engaging and difficult each of the bosses carrying their own niche while keeping to the theme of the event and from what I've seen the resulting injuries were more than fair to those involved!
Overall: 9.75/10 like I said its hard to hit ideal balance for these things but considering the group size and risk in each fights it felt more than fair, the story was engaging carrying alot of elements to it including traps! I love RNG moments in stories its a make or break moment forsure! SO Thanks once again for the time spent running this for us! I had alot of fun!
Traversing Her Web
Difficulty: High COD
Responsiveness 9/10 We had a group of 10 so some delays were expected
Balance 10/10 very hard to make a fight fun, but not easy for a group of 10 people
fairness 10/10 risk and reward felt worthwhile on both fronts
overall 9.9/10 Was a great event. Would love to have another like this some time.
Event: Traversing Her Web
Difficulty: CoD

Responsiveness 8/10 We had a group of 10 so some delays were expected, though we ran much longer than usual.

Balance 10/10 The fights were pretty fun over all, the DM had an uphill battle making things difficult with four people having pond though.

Storytelling: 10/10 Absolutely superb. Each narration was thicc with detail, even if they took a fair bit of time.

fairness 10/10 Achieved all of my goals for this, and everyone walked out with something having been gained.

overall 9.5/10 Lovely event Vyn, much appreciated!
Character: Idola
Which Event: "Honey, I ate the Easter Bunny!"

Responsiveness: To my experiences the narrates were at a good pace, without sacrificing quality. That being said, we did go far over schedule for the time, but it's all good!

Balance: The earlier battles were pretty easy! Even if I didn't look at my health and almost apparently died. But the Easter Bunny was an utter menace, and I loved every second of it. Lastly, the gluttonous witch was a delight to fight against. Even if I OOM'd.
Also Ent broke Idola's ribs in a trap.

Storytelling: It's like a fairytale! But it became, like, really dark. Dead children. Hansel and Gretel stuff. Loved it. Also I got to toss a poisoned cake at a bunny and it fucking worked, decreasing its max HP with 10%.
Either way, the buildup was awesome! From a nice old lady offering cake, to an ent with a dead child in its maw, to a bunny with (i think) mana absorb fluffed as hunger, to straight-up gluttony to cap it off. 10/10 would get tempted to almost eat poison cake again

Fairness: I came in to replace someone late, so I wasn't expecting any items, but I still got some cute bunny ears and a slice of poisoned cake. The others got cool things too, like ACTUALLY becoming a lapine, gloves with stats, and literal easter eggs from arcanium.

Overall: I liked this event. Like, alot. It took quite a while, but it was sweet! And grotesque with all the dead children.

[Image: unknown.png?width=548&height=473]
Not nightmare-inducing at all, I swear.
Overall: 8/10!

Any other comments:

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
Character: Bunga
Event: Honey, I Ate the Easter Bunny
Difficulty: Medium CoD?

Responsiveness: 7/10 Probably the only issue I had. It ran long due to having to set things up, but everything went smoothly once. The story was wonderful and exactly what we came for and then some. 
Balance: 9/10 Some of the fights felt a little easy, but not too easy. Some still managed to come close to going down, but managed to pull through.
Fairness: 10/10 Rewards themes for the easter event. can't complain.
Overall: 9/10, would do again

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