27 club presidentNO UNSOLICITED DEMOS
[Image: image.png]

Most of the time I’m just getting older, but I’ll get to heaven standing on your shoulders.
So many people that you know who could make you. They say,
"Kid, you're good, but do you have what it takes to be...
...invited into the divine council?"

[Image: image.png]

Character: Natalina
Attendees: the boys, maybe some girls
Vibe: music culture, rock lore, artistic history in eternia, capitalism
Risk: high chance of death. you know how the suits are.
Rewards: a record deal with a prestigious aenite label
DM: bee? :)
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NO UNSOLICITED DEMOS - by 27 club president - 01-14-2024, 08:18 AM
RE: NO UNSOLICITED DEMOS - by bumbleebumblebee - 01-14-2024, 12:24 PM

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